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Tunnels of Love…Gophers, Moles or Voles

What is the difference between a gopher and a mole -

Not sure what is causing destruction in your yard? Can’t decide if you’ve got a mole problem, a vole problem, or a good old Caddyshack-like gopher digging holes and tunnels and mounds in your perfectly manicured yards? Well, lucky for you, you’ve got us! Your one-stop shop for identifying exactly what is tunneling through your […]

Oh Deer, Ticks That Is…Deer Ticks

Get Rid of Deer-Tick-Blog

It is tick season, peeps, and you know what that means, don’t ya? It means the ticks are out in full force. Actually, depending on the tick species, there can be tick activity year-round, but like many of their other arachnid friends and family members, they like the warmer weather which makes it seem like […]

Little Flies…Mosquitoes

How To Get RId of Mosquitoes - Blog

Some call them “little flies,” since this is the literal translation of their name, Bear Grylls calls them “mossies,” and I call them blood-sucking little turds that serve no purpose on this planet. Ok, I might have gotten a little carried away there. Whatever you call them, mosquitoes by any other name are still mosquitoes. […]

Aardvarks Anyone? Termites

They say guilt will damage you the way termites eat away the wood, no damage is visible until it’s grave. Wow, that was deep. But the point of all that depth is oozing with truth. The damage done by termites can be pretty significant before you even know it. Even though they are less common […]

Where’s The Beef…Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jacket - Meat Bee Blog

As soon as that juicy steak, or burger, or hot dogs, or any other meat hits the grill of your barbeque, all the meat bees in the vicinity will be asking this question: Where’s the beef? Then they’ll use their super spidey-senses to sniff it out, and then it is game on. Meat Bees Meat […]

Wait For Me!…Springtails


It’s springtime peeps, and with that, pretty much every pest known to man wants to come out and play. And they do. With so many bugs to choose from, this bug blogger thought a little springtail Q & A would be appropriate for the springtime season. So, let’s spring into action and get this party […]

Burning Down The House Spiders Bug

I saw a spider in my bathtub, so I grabbed a tissue and then very, very carefully burned the house down. Hold up. Wait a minute. No need to burn down your house. Yes, it is springtime and spiders seem to be showing up all over the place, but that is still no reason to […]

I Like Big Butts…Earwigs

Pincher-Bug-Blog - How To Get Rid of Earwigs

I like big butts and I cannot lie… That’s what the song says anyway, but I am pretty darn certain that this is one big butt you would not like. At all. Not even a little bit. Earwig Identification: This butt belongs to the pincher bug, aka the earwig. Kind of like the platypus that […]

Where The Magic Happens…Fleas

Fleabag motels, flea markets, bed fleas, fleas, fleas, and more fleas. They seem to get around, those fleas. But if their gettin’ around means getting into your home and in particular, your bed, well, now they have gone too far. Way too far. Hold up. Wait a minute. Did this bug blogger really just say […]

Party Crashers… Aphids


Well, there’s a party going on right here, a celebration to last throughout the year…oh wait, you weren’t invited. And, even though it is taking place in your backyard, and more specifically in the garden that you spent countless hours planting, and has the potential to be a parents-are-out-of-town-neighbors-calling-the-cops type of rager, you still didn’t […]


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