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4 things about German Roaches Blog

German cockroaches are the most common species of cockroach found worldwide that are known for their ability to adapt and thrive in human environments. If you have had German cockroaches in the past, you know unsettling it can be, when you flip on a light switch at night and find them scurrying for cover! 🤮 In this post, we are going to talk about 4 things that can help you on your way to getting rid of these dreadful pests!

1. Should I Use a Cockroach Bait or a Spray Insecticide?

With German cockroaches, we find that using a spray insecticide in conjunction with a cockroach bait is your best plan of action. Why? Because the female German cockroaches while pregnant will tend to eat considerably less making using a bait less effective on them. Therefore, a successful cockroach treatment would include both methods.

2. Where Should I Place The Cockroach Bait or Spray?

Gel Bait Card - Kitchen copy+

German cockroaches are commonly found where food and water sources are readily available. They are particularly attracted to warm and humid areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.  So, treating the areas where the roaches are most likely to be, is going to be most effective, for example: cracks, crevices, pipes, wall voids and appliances.

3. What Do German Roaches Look Like in Comparison to Other Cockroaches?

Cockroach Comparison Chart
(Image Courtesy of UNL Entomology)

4. Should I Use an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) When Treating German Cockroaches?

Yes! German cockroaches are insane reproducers, in fact they are the fastest reproducing cockroach species, breeding at a rate of up to six generations per year! An effective cockroach treatment plan would include using an IGR or an insecticide that includes and IGR in it. An IGR is essentially bug birth control, it prevents immature cockroaches from maturing into health reproducing adults, thus breaking the lifecycle.

If you have any questions about how to get rid of your German cockroach infestation call one of our knowledgeable pest control technicians at: 877-708-1974

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