Product Alternative: Advion Ant Bait Arenas
Active Ingredient: Abamectin B1 – .011%
EPA Registration No.: 499-496
Product Use Directions:
Concentrate treatment at insect activity sites. Ants are attracted to the bait, and it is carried back to the nest to kill the queen and destroy the colony. Advance 360A Baits are packaged in a child-resistant container.
1. Break bait stations apart from the plastic frame.
2. For thorough ant control, use as many bait stations as necessary (normally 3 to 4 stations for an average size room or 6 to 8 stations for a heavy infestation).
3. For best results, also place bait stations along walls, baseboards, in corners, under sinks, in cabinets, pantries, near plumbing, electrical lines, potted plants, waste receptacles, sensitive electronic equipment, wall voids, under and around equipment and appliances.
4. Replace bait stations when necessary, approximately every 3 months.
Applications In Food Handling Establishments:
Food handling establishments include places other than private residences in which food is held, processed, prepared or served.
Food Areas:
Includes areas for receiving, storage, packing (canning, bottling, wrapping, boxing), preparing, edible waste storage and enclosed processing systems (mills, dairies, edible oils, syrups) . Avoid contamination of food . Use as instructed above
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