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Jiminy Cricket!

What a cricket looks like - How to get rid of crickets -

If all crickets could give advice and dress like Jiminy Cricket from Disney’s Pinnochio, they’d be far more welcome than the house crickets that make their way into our homes or chirp the night away outside our bedroom windows Lifecycle Super-creatively named based upon the fact that it is common for them to enter houses, […]

The (Fire) Ants Go Marching…

What a Red Imported Fire Ant Looks like - How To Get Rid of Red Imported Fire Ants -

The nursery rhyme about the ants that go marching one by one and then two by two is very sweet and all, but if those ants happen to be Red Imported Fire Ants, you are in for a rude awakening. There is a reason they were named fire ants, and that reason is because if […]

The Monks of the Spider World..Brown Recluse Spiders

What a Brown Recluse Spider looks like - How to get rid of brown recluse spiders -

While appropriately named due to their preference for living in seclusion or isolation, the arachnologist, a fancy name for someone who digs spiders in a big way, who was in charge of naming the brown recluse spider on spider-naming day could have gotten a little more creative and officially named it (instead of just nicknaming […]

Earwigs…Pincher Bugs? Which is it already?

How To Get Rid of Earwigs -

Let’s see, they are strange-looking, they stink, and they crawl into your ears and eat your brains. But don’t worry, they won’t eat your brains until after they burrow in and lay their eggs in there. At least that is what some people think. Talk about a bad rap. While they are pretty funky looking, […]

The Itsy, Bitsy Spider. Black Widow Vs. Brown Widow.

The difference between a Brown Widow Spider vs. a Black Widow Spider -

Well, we know it went up the water spout, got washed out when the rain came, survived a watery death, and made its way back up the spout as soon as the sun came back out. This all seems innocent enough, unless, of course, the spider we are talking about is a Black Widow. Or […]

Mosquitos…Covid 19, You Are NOT The Father!

Do Mosquitoes transmit Covid 19 Coronavirus -

Ahhh, who doesn’t love Maury Povich! While mosquitoes are known to father other bacteria and diseases, thankfully Covid-19 is not one of them. The Center for Disease Control has reported that it is not possible for Covid-19 to be spread through a mosquito bite, even if that mosquito feasts on a symptomatic, positive Covid case […]

The Hitchhiker…Bed Bugs

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs- Insecticides -

Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite. If you have bed bugs, you know that having a good night and sleeping tight aren’t going to happen. Sneaky little suckers, bed bugs make their way into your homes in a number of ways and are the ultimate unwanted guests that don’t ever […]

Murder Hornets….Seriously?

What a Murder Hornet Looks Like - How To Get Rid of Murder Hornets -

What are Murder Hornets? It seems like something that you’d read about in the Book of Exodus in the Bible as one of the plagues that affected the Egyptians. But alas, murder hornets are alive and well and are just another part of this crazy year. Where did they come from? In the first part […]

Got Termites?

What Do Dampwood Termites Look Like -

If you think you’ve got termites, you probably do. So now what? Well, here’s everything you wanted to know about termites but were afraid to ask.While there are hundreds of termite species throughout the world, all species fall under one of three types of termites— Dampwood, Drywood, or Subterranean. Let’s break it down. Dampwood TermitesAs […]


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