People aren’t the only ones in love!

Ahh parenthood, one could say there is no greater blessing.

Fun fact, February 14th or Valentine’s Day is the 3rd most common day of conception. So, if you are born at the beginning of November, you are most likely a Valentine’s Day hook-up!
Well, when it comes to raccoons, skunks and other urban wildlife, they are no different.

During the cold winter months, most urban wildlife are just looking for a warm place to “cuddle” (PG version) and give birth. Most of us are not aware of the damage that wildlife can cause to our attics, basements and other spaces. Not only can there be damage created by chewing of wires and duct work, but our insulation can become contaminated with urine and feces. When that urine and feces get disturbed, it can spread airborne diseases that can enter your home through violated air ducts. This could become a very costly situation to remediate. So how do we keep them out?
In terms of most any pest control/wildlife control, prevention is the best defense. Wildlife should never be enticed to come into our yards. Here are some tips to preventing wildlife from entering your property:

- Store pet food indoors
- Garbage cans should have tightly sealed lids
- Tree branches and other climbing plants (ivy) should be cut back to have no contact with the home or structure
- Inspect home for any gaps 1/4″ or larger
- Permanently seal all gaps 1/4″ or larger with 1/4″ hardware cloth, copper gauze or similar materials
- Seal/caulk any areas where pipes or wires enter the home or structure
- Spray deterrent around garbage cans, door seals, perimeter

*Bird feeders are a huge attractant to rats and raccoons! Remove if possible.
We could tell you story after story of the destruction that raccoons, rats and other animals have done to attics and crawlspaces. Destroyed ductwork, chewed wires, feces and urine contaminated insulation; all of which cost upwards of several thousand dollars to clean and repair. Once these animals find their way in and have babies, it is really difficult to remove them without professional help. You can cause harm to yourself and to the animals, so it is really in your best interest and the best interest of the animal to make sure they do not find a way in.
*Note – If you are hearing noises in your attic, please do not seal up any entry points! This could potentially seal the animals in the attic. The animals will need to be trapped and removed before any animal exclusion is performed.