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Product questions and answers

    Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts? answer now
    Asked on July 3, 2023 2:27 PM
    A Stryker 54 is a great choice for those green and sensitive accounts.
  2. Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:58 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is a great contact kill for fast control of spiders.

  4. Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:17 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is a great choice for fast knock-down of ants and roaches in restaurants and is labeled for such use.
  6. Will this kill gnats?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill gnats? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:15 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 will kill gnats.

  8. Can Stryker 54 be used in buses?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used in buses? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:13 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in and around buses.
  10. Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:11 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for indoor and outdoor use.
  12. Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:08 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for and will kill carpet beetles.

  14. Can this be used in hospitals?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Can this be used in hospitals? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in hospitals and many other areas.

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Stryker 54 Aerosol

Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974



Fast Free Shipping!

*Shipping Policy (Aerosol Cans) – Per Government Shipping Regulations, All Aerosol Cans Must Be Shipped Via Ground Shipping. This May Cause Shipping “In Transit” Times To Be A Bit Longer.

Stryker 54 Aerosol is an “on contact” insect spray that also includes and injector straw that can flush insects out of cracks and crevices.

Product Features:

  • Provides Fast Knockdown & Kill
  • Excellent Flushing Action
  • Can Be Used as a Contact or Space Spray
  • Controls a Wide Range of listed Crawling and Flying Listed Insects
  • For Indoor and Outdoor Areas as Listed
  • Dissipates quickly; leaves no pesticide residue
  • Can be used in “green” or sensitive accounts
  • 360-degree valve allows for flexible applications
  • Dual spray + straw applicator allows for flexible applications.


  • 15 oz. Can
  • Case of (12) 15 oz. Cans

Product questions and answers

    Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts? answer now
    Asked on July 3, 2023 2:27 PM
    A Stryker 54 is a great choice for those green and sensitive accounts.
  2. Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:58 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is a great contact kill for fast control of spiders.

  4. Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:17 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is a great choice for fast knock-down of ants and roaches in restaurants and is labeled for such use.
  6. Will this kill gnats?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill gnats? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:15 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 will kill gnats.

  8. Can Stryker 54 be used in buses?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used in buses? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:13 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in and around buses.
  10. Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:11 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for indoor and outdoor use.
  12. Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:08 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for and will kill carpet beetles.

  14. Can this be used in hospitals?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Can this be used in hospitals? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in hospitals and many other areas.

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Product Alternatives: CB-80 Insecticide Spray
EPA Registration No.: 53883-329
Active Ingredients: Pyrethrins – 0.50%, Piperonyl Butoxide – 4.0%
Application Instructions:

Apply according to specific directions for pest(s) to be treated.

CRACK AND CREVICE APPLICATION: Inject this product into cracks and crevices or void spaces where insects may be harboring, living and breeding. Place injector tip into cracks, crevices, holes and other small openings. Apply product for 1 sec. For light infestations, move injector tip along cracks while treating at the rate of 3 ft/sec. For heavy infestations, move injector tip along at 1 ft/sec. For treatment of inaccessible voids (including wall and equipment voids), calculate the void’s cubic area and treat at the rate of 3 – 5 sec/3 ft3. Several holes may be required in long-running voids.

DIRECT SPRAY: Apply the product in short bursts into the area where insects are to be contacted such as corners of the room, behind and under furniture or equipment. Apply from a distance of 18 – 24” from the surface and allow the material to drift to the area to be treated. The amount of product applied is not to exceed 10 sec/room for residential areas or 10 sec/100 ft2 for commercial areas.

SPACE SPRAY: Turn off air conditioners, fans, close doors and windows before treating. Calculate the cubic footage of the area to be treated and apply as follows: Flying Insects: Apply at the rate of 1 – 3 sec/1,000 ft3. Crawling Insects: Apply at a rate of 20 sec/1,000 ft3. Disperse toward areas suspected of harboring the greatest insect infestations. Disperse in all locations contacting as many insects as possible. Keep area closed for 15 minutes. Open and thoroughly ventilate before reoccupying.


Apply this product as a Crack & Crevice treatment, space spray and/or direct spray. Apply according to the Application Instructions unless otherwise instructed below.

CLUSTER FLIES, CLOVER MITES, FLIES, FRUIT FLIES, GNATS, HOUSE FLIES, MOSQUITOES, SMALL FLYING MOTHS AND STABLE FLIES, WASPS AND BEES: Perform directed spray and/or void treatments in infested areas. INSIDE STRUCTURAL VOIDS: Locate all insect entrances and close all but one opening. Apply product through that opening.

ANTS, BOOKLICE, CLOVER MITES, CRICKETS, MILLIPEDES, ROACHES, SILVERFISH, SOWBUGS AND SPIDERS: Treat harborage areas such as behind baseboards, sinks, cabinets, meter boxes, door frames, corners of rooms and windows. Open and thoroughly ventilate the treated area before reoccupying.

BED BUGS: Take bed apart. Treat joints and channels if hollow, such as square or round tubing, and see that the interior framework is treated. Treat mattresses, especially tufts, folds, and edges. Cover mattresses with clean bedding before use. When bed bugs are found in upholstered furniture, apply only to the infested tufts, seams, folds, and edges and underneath all areas, but DO NOT apply to flat surfaces where human contact will occur. Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment to all baseboards, moldings, beneath floor coverings and carpets, closets, shelves, curtains, furniture, and picture frames. Direct spray into areas where bed bugs harbor. DO NOT use in patient rooms in hospitals and nursing homes for treatment of bed bugs. Reapply every 7 to 10 days, as needed, until infestation is eliminated.

CARPET BEETLES (in Residences): Hold product 36” above floor and direct spray toward floor and lower walls, treating at the rate of 10 sec/100 ft2. Also apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment to cracks and crevices near the source of the infestation.

CLOTHES MOTHS: Locate source of infestation. Apply to nearby cracks and crevices and perform a space treatment of the infested area at the rate of 5-10sec/1,000 ft3.

STORED PRODUCT PESTS – for exposed adult and larval stages of Angoumois Grain Moths (crawling), Carpet Beetles, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Grain Mites, Granary Weevils, Grain Mites, Granary Weevils, Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths (flying), Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils and Sawtoothed Grain Beetles: Apply as a Crack & Crevice, direct spray, or space spray treatment into cracks and crevices/corners of pantries, cabinets, food processing and handling equipment and other places where insects harbor. Apply around cartons, containers and other areas where these insects tend to congregate.

FLEAS IN BUILDINGS: Hold product 36” above floor and direct spray toward floor and lower walls at the rate of 10 sec/100 ft2. Ensure that the underneath and lower surfaces of furniture are contacted. Keep area closed for 15 minutes. Open and thoroughly ventilate before reoccupying. Repeat treatment after 7 days if necessary.

TICKS: Hold container 36” above the floor and direct spray toward pet beds and resting quarters, treating at the rate of 10 sec/100 ft2. Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment into adjacent cracks and crevices such as behind baseboards and edges of carpet and floor covers. Treat higher cracks such as upper door jams and window framing, behind pictures and other areas where females may crawl to lay eggs.


Food handling establishments are places other than private residences in which food is held, processed, prepared or served. FOOD AREAS: Include areas for receiving, serving, storing (dry, cold, frozen, raw), packing (canning, bottling, wrapping, boxing), preparing (cleaning, slicing, cooking, grinding), edible waste storage and enclosed processing systems (mills, dairies, edible oils, syrups).

NON-FOOD AREAS: Include areas such as garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewers), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, garages, mop closets and storage areas (after canning or bottling). Apply according to specific directions for pest(s) to be treated as specified in the Indoor Use section above. Do not make space spray applications to food areas when the facility is in operation. Prior to space spray applications, cover or remove exposed food and cover food processing surfaces, in the treatment area, or clean after treatment and before use.


FLIES, GNATS AND MOSQUITOES – GROUND APPLICATION: Treat landscapes and open areas around residence, outer buildings and in campgrounds. Apply at a rate of 5 -15 sec/1,000 ft2. Apply in wide swaths across the area to be treated. Allow treatment to penetrate dense foliage. Best results are obtained when wind speed is 5 mph or less.

BEES, FLIES, CLUSTER FLIES, CLOVER MITES, MUD DAUBERS AND WASPS: Apply directly on insects and their nests from approximately 18”. Disperse into hiding and breeding places (voids) contacting as many insects as possible.

Use Restrictions:

• Not for use in outdoor residential misting systems (indoor or outdoor) or metered release, devices. • Product should only be used when can temperature is above 60°F. If can temperature is below 60°F, store at room temperature until a temperature above 60°F is reached. • Only protected applicators may be-in the treatment area during application. • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. • Use only with the supplied actuator and injection tubes or other application equipment approved by the registrant. • Remove pets, birds, cover fish aquariums and turn off air pump motor before application. • Do not allow spray to contact plastic, painted or varnished surfaces or directly into electronic equipment such as radios, TVs, computers etc. • When used as a direct or space spray, do not enter or allow others to enter treated area until sprays have dried. • Do not apply more than 1 time per day.

See Label for Complete List of Restrictions.

Additional information




Control Solutions

Active Ingredients

Pyrethrins – 0.50%,
Piperonyl Butoxide – 4.0%

For Use In

Indoors and Outdoors:

Apartments, Campgrounds, Food Storage Areas, Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Motels, Nursing Homes, Resorts, Restaurant, and other Food Handling Establishments, Schools, Supermarkets, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks and Aircraft – Cargo Areas Only), Utilities, Warehouses and other Commercial and Industrial Buildings.

Target Pests

  •  Ants
  • Bed Bugs
  • Bees
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Clothes Moths
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Fruit Flies
  • Gnats
  • Grain Mites
  • Hornets
  • House Flies
  • Indian meal moths
  • Mosquitoes
  • Spiders
  • Ticks
  • Wasps
  • Paper Wasps
  • Brown Dog Ticks
  • Clover Mites
  • Small Flying Moths
  • Stable Flies
  • Crickets
  • Millipedes
  • Silverfish
  • Mud Daubers
  • Cluster Flies


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Product questions and answers

    Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts? answer now
    Asked on July 3, 2023 2:27 PM
    A Stryker 54 is a great choice for those green and sensitive accounts.
  2. Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:58 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is a great contact kill for fast control of spiders.

  4. Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:17 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is a great choice for fast knock-down of ants and roaches in restaurants and is labeled for such use.
  6. Will this kill gnats?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill gnats? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:15 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 will kill gnats.

  8. Can Stryker 54 be used in buses?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used in buses? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:13 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in and around buses.
  10. Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:11 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for indoor and outdoor use.
  12. Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:08 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for and will kill carpet beetles.

  14. Can this be used in hospitals?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Can this be used in hospitals? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in hospitals and many other areas.

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Stryker 54 Aerosol

Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974

Fast Free Shipping!

*Shipping Policy (Aerosol Cans) – Per Government Shipping Regulations, All Aerosol Cans Must Be Shipped Via Ground Shipping. This May Cause Shipping “In Transit” Times To Be A Bit Longer.

Stryker 54 Aerosol is an “on contact” insect spray that also includes and injector straw that can flush insects out of cracks and crevices.

Product Features:

  • Provides Fast Knockdown & Kill
  • Excellent Flushing Action
  • Can Be Used as a Contact or Space Spray
  • Controls a Wide Range of listed Crawling and Flying Listed Insects
  • For Indoor and Outdoor Areas as Listed
  • Dissipates quickly; leaves no pesticide residue
  • Can be used in “green” or sensitive accounts
  • 360-degree valve allows for flexible applications
  • Dual spray + straw applicator allows for flexible applications.


  • 15 oz. Can
  • Case of (12) 15 oz. Cans




Product Alternatives: CB-80 Insecticide Spray
EPA Registration No.: 53883-329
Active Ingredients: Pyrethrins – 0.50%, Piperonyl Butoxide – 4.0%
Application Instructions:

Apply according to specific directions for pest(s) to be treated.

CRACK AND CREVICE APPLICATION: Inject this product into cracks and crevices or void spaces where insects may be harboring, living and breeding. Place injector tip into cracks, crevices, holes and other small openings. Apply product for 1 sec. For light infestations, move injector tip along cracks while treating at the rate of 3 ft/sec. For heavy infestations, move injector tip along at 1 ft/sec. For treatment of inaccessible voids (including wall and equipment voids), calculate the void’s cubic area and treat at the rate of 3 – 5 sec/3 ft3. Several holes may be required in long-running voids.

DIRECT SPRAY: Apply the product in short bursts into the area where insects are to be contacted such as corners of the room, behind and under furniture or equipment. Apply from a distance of 18 – 24” from the surface and allow the material to drift to the area to be treated. The amount of product applied is not to exceed 10 sec/room for residential areas or 10 sec/100 ft2 for commercial areas.

SPACE SPRAY: Turn off air conditioners, fans, close doors and windows before treating. Calculate the cubic footage of the area to be treated and apply as follows: Flying Insects: Apply at the rate of 1 – 3 sec/1,000 ft3. Crawling Insects: Apply at a rate of 20 sec/1,000 ft3. Disperse toward areas suspected of harboring the greatest insect infestations. Disperse in all locations contacting as many insects as possible. Keep area closed for 15 minutes. Open and thoroughly ventilate before reoccupying.


Apply this product as a Crack & Crevice treatment, space spray and/or direct spray. Apply according to the Application Instructions unless otherwise instructed below.

CLUSTER FLIES, CLOVER MITES, FLIES, FRUIT FLIES, GNATS, HOUSE FLIES, MOSQUITOES, SMALL FLYING MOTHS AND STABLE FLIES, WASPS AND BEES: Perform directed spray and/or void treatments in infested areas. INSIDE STRUCTURAL VOIDS: Locate all insect entrances and close all but one opening. Apply product through that opening.

ANTS, BOOKLICE, CLOVER MITES, CRICKETS, MILLIPEDES, ROACHES, SILVERFISH, SOWBUGS AND SPIDERS: Treat harborage areas such as behind baseboards, sinks, cabinets, meter boxes, door frames, corners of rooms and windows. Open and thoroughly ventilate the treated area before reoccupying.

BED BUGS: Take bed apart. Treat joints and channels if hollow, such as square or round tubing, and see that the interior framework is treated. Treat mattresses, especially tufts, folds, and edges. Cover mattresses with clean bedding before use. When bed bugs are found in upholstered furniture, apply only to the infested tufts, seams, folds, and edges and underneath all areas, but DO NOT apply to flat surfaces where human contact will occur. Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment to all baseboards, moldings, beneath floor coverings and carpets, closets, shelves, curtains, furniture, and picture frames. Direct spray into areas where bed bugs harbor. DO NOT use in patient rooms in hospitals and nursing homes for treatment of bed bugs. Reapply every 7 to 10 days, as needed, until infestation is eliminated.

CARPET BEETLES (in Residences): Hold product 36” above floor and direct spray toward floor and lower walls, treating at the rate of 10 sec/100 ft2. Also apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment to cracks and crevices near the source of the infestation.

CLOTHES MOTHS: Locate source of infestation. Apply to nearby cracks and crevices and perform a space treatment of the infested area at the rate of 5-10sec/1,000 ft3.

STORED PRODUCT PESTS – for exposed adult and larval stages of Angoumois Grain Moths (crawling), Carpet Beetles, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Grain Mites, Granary Weevils, Grain Mites, Granary Weevils, Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths (flying), Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils and Sawtoothed Grain Beetles: Apply as a Crack & Crevice, direct spray, or space spray treatment into cracks and crevices/corners of pantries, cabinets, food processing and handling equipment and other places where insects harbor. Apply around cartons, containers and other areas where these insects tend to congregate.

FLEAS IN BUILDINGS: Hold product 36” above floor and direct spray toward floor and lower walls at the rate of 10 sec/100 ft2. Ensure that the underneath and lower surfaces of furniture are contacted. Keep area closed for 15 minutes. Open and thoroughly ventilate before reoccupying. Repeat treatment after 7 days if necessary.

TICKS: Hold container 36” above the floor and direct spray toward pet beds and resting quarters, treating at the rate of 10 sec/100 ft2. Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment into adjacent cracks and crevices such as behind baseboards and edges of carpet and floor covers. Treat higher cracks such as upper door jams and window framing, behind pictures and other areas where females may crawl to lay eggs.


Food handling establishments are places other than private residences in which food is held, processed, prepared or served. FOOD AREAS: Include areas for receiving, serving, storing (dry, cold, frozen, raw), packing (canning, bottling, wrapping, boxing), preparing (cleaning, slicing, cooking, grinding), edible waste storage and enclosed processing systems (mills, dairies, edible oils, syrups).

NON-FOOD AREAS: Include areas such as garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewers), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, garages, mop closets and storage areas (after canning or bottling). Apply according to specific directions for pest(s) to be treated as specified in the Indoor Use section above. Do not make space spray applications to food areas when the facility is in operation. Prior to space spray applications, cover or remove exposed food and cover food processing surfaces, in the treatment area, or clean after treatment and before use.


FLIES, GNATS AND MOSQUITOES – GROUND APPLICATION: Treat landscapes and open areas around residence, outer buildings and in campgrounds. Apply at a rate of 5 -15 sec/1,000 ft2. Apply in wide swaths across the area to be treated. Allow treatment to penetrate dense foliage. Best results are obtained when wind speed is 5 mph or less.

BEES, FLIES, CLUSTER FLIES, CLOVER MITES, MUD DAUBERS AND WASPS: Apply directly on insects and their nests from approximately 18”. Disperse into hiding and breeding places (voids) contacting as many insects as possible.

Use Restrictions:

• Not for use in outdoor residential misting systems (indoor or outdoor) or metered release, devices. • Product should only be used when can temperature is above 60°F. If can temperature is below 60°F, store at room temperature until a temperature above 60°F is reached. • Only protected applicators may be-in the treatment area during application. • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. • Use only with the supplied actuator and injection tubes or other application equipment approved by the registrant. • Remove pets, birds, cover fish aquariums and turn off air pump motor before application. • Do not allow spray to contact plastic, painted or varnished surfaces or directly into electronic equipment such as radios, TVs, computers etc. • When used as a direct or space spray, do not enter or allow others to enter treated area until sprays have dried. • Do not apply more than 1 time per day.

See Label for Complete List of Restrictions.

Additional information




Control Solutions

Active Ingredients

Pyrethrins – 0.50%,
Piperonyl Butoxide – 4.0%

For Use In

Indoors and Outdoors:

Apartments, Campgrounds, Food Storage Areas, Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Motels, Nursing Homes, Resorts, Restaurant, and other Food Handling Establishments, Schools, Supermarkets, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks and Aircraft – Cargo Areas Only), Utilities, Warehouses and other Commercial and Industrial Buildings.

Target Pests

  •  Ants
  • Bed Bugs
  • Bees
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Clothes Moths
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Fruit Flies
  • Gnats
  • Grain Mites
  • Hornets
  • House Flies
  • Indian meal moths
  • Mosquitoes
  • Spiders
  • Ticks
  • Wasps
  • Paper Wasps
  • Brown Dog Ticks
  • Clover Mites
  • Small Flying Moths
  • Stable Flies
  • Crickets
  • Millipedes
  • Silverfish
  • Mud Daubers
  • Cluster Flies


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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Product questions and answers

    Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used on my green accounts? answer now
    Asked on July 3, 2023 2:27 PM
    A Stryker 54 is a great choice for those green and sensitive accounts.
  2. Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is Stryker 54 good for control of spiders? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:58 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is a great contact kill for fast control of spiders.

  4. Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Can we use this in our restaurant for ants and roaches? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:17 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is a great choice for fast knock-down of ants and roaches in restaurants and is labeled for such use.
  6. Will this kill gnats?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill gnats? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:15 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 will kill gnats.

  8. Can Stryker 54 be used in buses?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used in buses? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:13 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in and around buses.
  10. Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Stryker 54 be used outdoors? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:11 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for indoor and outdoor use.
  12. Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Stryker 54 kill carpet beetles? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:08 PM

    Yes, Stryker 54 is labeled for and will kill carpet beetles.

  14. Can this be used in hospitals?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Can this be used in hospitals? answer now
    Asked on May 8, 2023 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Stryker 54 can be used in hospitals and many other areas.

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