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Springtime Pests

Being on the west coast, we don’t really have a clear division between Winter and Spring. We don’t get snow or even much frost for that matter, so my best indication for when it is Spring…when I can smell the orange blossoms and when the grass starts to grow a lot faster. 😍 To be honest, when we say “Springtime Pests” there are really too many to list because just about every living thing becomes more active with the warm weather, so we will have to narrow the list down to some of the main pest that will most likely affect you.

Since you are likely on the edge of your seat, instead of keeping you in suspense any longer, let’s jump on in and get this springtime pest reveal party started!


House Ant
House Ant
Carpenter Ant
Carpenter Ant

Red Imported Fire Ant

First on the super-exclusive list is the ever-so-popular ANTS: carpenter ants, house ants, red imported fire ants and the category of ants affectionately called, pain-in-the-bootie ants, which are basically all ants. As soon as the temperatures warm up, they strip off their wool socks and down jackets and search for new locations to find food. That new location just might be your home. What can you do to keep the ants away? Make sure your counters are kept clean and free from food crumbs. Seal any possible gaps or entry points into your home (i.e. under sinks).



BEE’S are next in line. After spending their winter snuggled up next to their bee besties to stay warm, they are ready for some sunshine and space. A three-month long slumber party for any species is too long, so as soon as that warmer weather hits, bees are more than ready to spread their wings and do what bees do. Now, we at want to make note that if you can safely remove honeybees without killing them, that is always the best option!



During the colder months, MOSQUITOES hibernate in hollow logs, animal burrows, basements, or storm drains to ride out the winter temperatures. March and April are prime months because as soon as the temperature consistently stays at 50 degrees in the evenings, it’s mosquito time. Eggs that were laid before the winter start hatching, and the adult mosquitoes that were riding out the cold emerge from their cozy winter homes ready for their next blood meal – which just might happen to be you. The earlier you start you mosquito control the better! You definitely want to get them while they are the most vulnerable pupae and nymph stages!


Brown Recluse Spider
Brown Recluse Spider
Black Widow Spider
Black Widow Spider

As the weather turns warmer and the days get longer, spring brings forth a fresh batch of SPIDERS that are trying their hardest to make their way into your home. Mama spiders emerge from their winter hiding place in search of the perfect spot to lay her next batch of eggs. If your home is warm and welcoming, that perfect spot just might be your super cozy, oh-so-toasty bedroom, closet, bathroom, or kitchen. Keep spiders out by making sure to seal any possible entry points coming into your home. Pick up any wood piles or debris outside that can harbor spider nests.


Dampwood Termite
Dampwood Termite

Each spring, after the weather starts getting warmer, swarming season for TERMITES begins, usually after a significant amount of rain. While termites take to the air in a swarm (hence the name, swarming season), lady termites hook up with their baby daddies to reproduce and create new colonies. It is basically the mile-high club for termites. Keep a close eye out for any new activity around your home such as holes in the siding or wood, bubbling paint and/or termite swarmers. As with any pest, the earlier you act the less expensive it will be in the long run.

Of course, these aren’t the only pests that make their presence known in the spring, there are so many others, including rats, mice, fleas and ticks but I will save that for another blog! A proper spring cleaning to get rid of anything that might be an attractant and taking advantage of the products available at are preventative measures that will help you enjoy the warmer weather without the hassle of springtime pests.

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