Why Do I Have So Many Spiders?

It never fails, come June/July, the spider calls come rolling in like clockwork. So, if you are reading this and wondering “Ya, why do I have so many spiders in my home?” Well, HowToPest.com is here to answer all your spider questions! WHEN DO SPIDERS HAVE BABIES? Because there are so many species of spiders, […]
HTP’s Guide To Springtime Pests🌼

Being on the west coast, we don’t really have a clear division between Winter and Spring. We don’t get snow or even much frost for that matter, so my best indication for when it is Spring…when I can smell the orange blossoms and when the grass starts to grow a lot faster. 😍 To be […]
The Itsy, Bitsy Spider. Black Widow Vs. Brown Widow.

Well, we know it went up the water spout, got washed out when the rain came, survived a watery death, and made its way back up the spout as soon as the sun came back out. This all seems innocent enough, unless, of course, the spider we are talking about is a Black Widow. Or […]