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How To Inspect Your Home for Termites.

DIY Termite Inspection - How To Inspect Your House For Termites
DIY Termite Inspection – How to Inspect Your House for Termites

Fun Fact: Termites are found in 49 of the 50 states of this great nation. So, if you are a homeowner, there is a definite possibility that you will encounter termites at some point. Now, us folks at are not one to downplay the skills of a knowledgeable pest control expert. By all means, if you have any concerns about the severity of your possible termite infestation, and you do not feel that you would be capable of performing a termite inspection on your own home, then yes, you definitely will want to call a pest professional. But, if you are like us and are a bit handy and like to save a buck or two whenever possible, then is here to help you inspect your home for termites!

What Do I Need to Do My Own Termite Inspection?

In order to perform a thorough termite inspection on your home, you will want to gather a few things:

Flathead Screwdriver
Flathead Screwdriver
Face Mask
Face Mask

What Am I looking For?

Signs of Termites and Termite Damage
Signs of Termites and Termite Damage

As you know termites primarily feed on wood but they will also tunnel through other materials to get to the wood. So, when you are doing your termite inspection you will want to keep an eye out for the following things:

Whether you start your termite inspection indoors or outdoors, make sure you are starting at one point and ending at the same point to make sure you cover all areas of the home. Pay extra attention to the door and window frames as termites are attracted to the light and that is normally where you can see the most termite activity.

Termites eat wood from the inside out, so this is where the screwdriver comes in handy. Take your screwdriver and give all wood beams some taps to see if the wood is solid or sounds hollow. Wood that may look on the surface to be in good shape can be very deceiving.

Wood with Termite Damage Below The Surface
Wood with Termite Damage Below The Surface

If you are able to get into the crawlspace or attic then do it. These are areas that the wood is exposed making it a lot easier to see any termite activity. Don’t forget your flashlight and face mask!

What Do I Do if I Have Termites?

Here is where it can get sticky! Getting rid of termites can be labor intensive so know your limits! You may be better off calling a professional for large infestations.

Nevertheless, your first step will be to identify which type of termite you have. See our article on termite identification. If you feel that this is a small infestation that can be treated with a termiticide then we have you covered! Check out our selection of termiticides that can certainly do the job. Your course of action will be determined by the type of termites that you have. Still have questions? You can call our knowledgeable technicians and we can answer all your questions! 877-708-1974 Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm PST.

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