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Head, Shoulders, Knees and Ankle Biters?

How To Get Rid of No See Ums, Ankle Biters, Aedes Mosquito -

If you are reading this blog, you are most likely well aware of the dreaded Ankle Biters! Aka, the Aedes Mosquito or the Container Breeders, the Ankle Biters are here and they are out for blood! I’m sure you can relate, you take the dog to the park and the next morning you wake up […]

The Haunted Attic? Getting Rid of Rats

Is it Ghosts or Rats- The Haunted Attic -

Over the years we have investigated many of rodent infestations, but since we are in “Spooky Season” I feel it only befitting to write about one of our favorite encounters. It was a morning just like any other, we received a call from a lady expressing her concern about noises she was hearing in the […]

Checking In? Bed Bugs and Traveling

Preventing bed bugs while traveling

With holiday travel right around the corner the spread of bed bugs is at its peak. Here at, we want to give you all the tools to keep you safe along your travels. There is a sense of security when you check into a crisp clean hotel room. Your first instinct is to roll […]

The Roach, The Roach

How to get rid of cockroaches -

Sing with me all you peeps who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s… The roach, the roach, The roach is on the wall, We don’t need no Raid, Let the mother flipper crawl. Crawl mother flipper, crawl. I had to change the lyrics a bit to keep it PG. Can’t be dropping f-bombs on […]

Spiders: Just Like Us

How to get rid of spiders in my home -

What is the deal with all these darn spiders? It seems like they are showing up everywhere in my house. I’ve found them in corners, along door frames, getting comfy and cozy on my baseboards, living the high life in my window sills, in bathrooms, bedrooms, the kitchen, you name it. I’ve found them there. […]

Crickets For Sale..House Crickets

How to get rid of house crickets -

We’ve all heard them. Most of us have seen them. But only a few of us know there is big business in them. And I’m talking BIG business, if you are into that sort of thing, and if you have a lot of time on your hands, the patience of a saint, and a crap […]

Cicada Serenade…Cicadas

How to get rid of cicadas -

When it comes to romance, you’d be hard pressed to find another creature, human or otherwise, that could compete with the cicada. Now, I know this sounds crazy and you are probably thinking this bug blogger has lost her marbles and is now one short of a dozen, but hear me out. Cicadas are truly […]

White Stripes. Asian Tiger Mosquito


What has stripes, has origins in Southern Asia, lives off blood, and can be a big fat biting pain in the butt year round and during all daylight hours? The super-popular carnivorous Asian zebra? The blood-sucking Japanese bumblebee? A rabid, blood-thirsty Eastern skunk? So close…yet so far away. It’s the Asian Tiger Mosquito, silly. Didn’t […]

K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Kissing Bugs

Kissing Bugs Blog

When it comes to kissing, I am guessing the last thing that comes to mind is a nasty looking bug. It is definitely the last thing that comes to my mind. There is not a chance in heck that I’d want anything bug-like near my perfectly pouty, flawlessly glossed lips. But for some strange reason, […]

My Dog Has Cat Fleas?

Dog has cat fleas - What are cat fleas -

It sounds like a joke but the fleas you are seeing on your dog are most likely the Ctenocephalides felis, or cat flea. This is the most common type of flea, and it doesn’t really care if it hitches a ride on a cat or dog or any other animal, as long as it is […]


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