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Much Ado About Termites.


It is a very common story in the pest control business. A customer calls because they are seeing tiny grainy droppings similar to sawdust, in their window sill or doorways or patio cover. If you think you’ve got termites, then you probably do. So now what? Well, here’s everything you wanted to know about termites […]

Sleep Tight? Yah Right. Bed Bugs

Sleep Tight? Yah Right. Bed Bugs

I know, I know we keep talking about bed bugs. Well, unfortunately the bed bugs are out in force this time of year and good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite is an all to familiar reality. If you have bed bugs, you know that having a good night and sleeping tight […]

Baby It’s Cold Outside…Winter Pests

What Pests To Watch For In The Winter - Winter Pests -

Think you are safe from pests in the winter? Think again. Winter pests are far more common than you think. While there might not be mosquitos feeding on your limbs and ruining your backyard bar-b-cue, there are plenty of other pests that will need your attention during the winter months. Mice, cockroaches, spiders, and bed […]

5 Essential Ways To Pest-Proof Your Home This Winter

5 Essential Ways To Pest-Proof Your Home This Winter -

If you keep up with our blogs you probably have read our many tips on how to pest-proof your home. Rather than going back through all of them, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share our top bug-proofing tips in one spot. In most parts of the country the winter weather […]

I Am Thankful For You!🙏Honeybees, Praying Mantises and Lady Bugs

3 Beneficial Bugs that we are thankful for - Honeybees, Praying Mantises, Lady Bugs -

As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, we at in good conscience have to give a shout out to those bugs that we love and are thankful for. Unconventional? Maybe, but you gotta give props where props are due. Honeybees Obviously, I think by now most of us know the huge benefits that honeybees add […]

Listen To Your Elders! Boxelder Bugs

How To Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs -

There are elders with wisdom, some have great stories and sound advice. There are some elders that are just plain old (like uncle Bob) and then there are boxelders, bugs that is. If you have boxelder bugs, you know they are more a nuisance than a serious problem, not unlike your uncle Bob. Boxelder bugs […]

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner? Spiders

How To Get Rid of Spiders -

Have you ever had someone unexpectedly drop in at dinner time? As parents this was a frequent occurrence in our home. Sometimes it would be friends but sometimes it would be the dreaded boyfriend. This was a great time for us to do some serious grilling of that young gentleman. We would ask all the […]

🎵Tis’ The Season To Hear Scratching🎵. Rats In The Attic.

How To Get Rid of Roof Rats - Rats in the attic -

Tis’ the season! No, I’m not talking about Christmas, I am talking about rats. In all fairness, hearing scratching in your attic doesn’t always mean it is rats, it could be mice, it could be raccoons, heck it could even be pigeons. But, since it is late October and the time when rats start making […]

The Horror! Them Sugar Ants

How To Get Rid of Sugar Ants - Them! -

Ok, I may be dating myself but if you grew up watching The Family Film Festival with host Tom Hatten you will surely remember one of the most terrifying movies of that time. THEM! Basically, atomic testing in New Mexico cause common sugar ants to mutate into giant man-eating monsters that threaten civilization. Can you […]

The Struggle is Real…Buy Wine! Fruit Flies.

How To Get Rid of Fruit Flies -

Being in the pest control industry you can imagine we have had hundreds of calls from customers dealing with fruit flies. Their stories rarely differ, “They came out of nowhere”, “They are everywhere”, “They showed up overnight” etc. After a brief conversation of where they may be coming from, they are shocked to hear what […]


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