Carpenter Ants vs. Termites: What’s the Difference?
If you are starting to notice unusual pest activity and are concerned that you might have a costly termite infestation but aren’t quite sure what it is. Well, let’s dig a little deeper to make sure you have clear knowledge of what you are dealing with! Signs of Termite Damage While you may not see […]
What Are Silverfish and How Do I Get Rid of Them?
If you have been following our blogs for some time, you would already know that we have been in the pest control business for over 20 years. Every year around Springtime there is always one particular pest that seems to dominate the calls. Are you curious to know what this year’s winner is? Yep, you […]
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
Your Bed Bug Identification Guide. If you have ever had bed bugs then you can agree, it can be a very distressing experience! So, what if you have never had bed bugs before and waking up with bug bites is all new to you, now what? First things first, don’t freak out! Let’s figure out […]
Getting Rid of Ants – Easy Solutions for a Pest-Free Home
Ants may be tiny, but they can create a big problem in your home. They get into your food, crawl around your countertops and walls and are just plain annoying. Fortunately, getting rid of ants is not as difficult as it may seem. Read on to learn some easy solutions to help you get rid […]
How To Remove a Tick Easily From You and Your Pet with These Simple Steps!
As the weather warms up, we tend to spend a lot more time outdoors and coming in contact with ticks can be a real possibility! Ticks can be a nuisance, and when one latches onto your or your pets’ skin it can also be frightening! Removing a tick is an important part of protecting yourself […]
Preventing Wasp Infestations in Your Yard: Tips and Tricks
Wasps can be a pesky and dangerous problem in your yard. Knowing how to identify them and using preventative measures can help you keep them away. This article will discuss ways to prevent wasps from entering your yard and how to safely deal with them if they become a problem. Different Types of Wasps While […]
Getting the Most Out of Pest Control Sprays: Timing is Everything!
Pest control spray timing is an important part of any pest management program. Properly timed applications can help reduce the population of pests and help prevent future infestations. Understanding the ideal timing for spraying and how it can benefit your home or business can help you develop an effective pest control plan. Benefits of Spraying […]
Earwig Control: What You Need to Know!
Earwigs (aka pincer/pincher bugs) are a common pest that can be found in many homes. Fun Fact: Earwigs got their name because of the “old wives tale” that they would crawl in your ears and lay their eggs on your brain! Obviously, we now know this to not be in the least bit true! 🤣 […]
Say Goodbye to Common Spring Pests!
Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal, but it can also be a time of pest invasions. From small insects to larger wildlife, pests can quickly turn a pleasant spring day into a nightmare. If you want to keep your home and garden safe and pest-free, it’s important to properly identify and control the […]
Top 2 Pests Of 2023.
Here Comes the Bloodsuckers! For most of us here on the west coast, 2023 has already been a memorable year! We are experiencing record amounts of snow and rain and our lakes and reservoirs are full! It has been several years since we started a year out with such abundance. While the west coast is […]