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Our Pest control blog
Welcome to our Pest Control Blog page! With over 25 years of pest control experience and knowledge, we have given you everything you need to know about getting rid of unwanted pests, whether it be ants, spiders or rodents. We have done our best to write quality DIY pest control articles that will direct you step by step, that even a beginner could do. As we always say here at, knowledge is power and we want to empower you to take control of your home or business all while saving money!
What is small, round, has a fuzzy body, wings like a moth? That would be the Drain Fly. Also known as a moth fly or sink fly, I prefer to call them annoying as @#$%. What do drain flies look
What in the world is a cigarette beetle? A beetle that smokes A cigarette made of beetles A beetle that has a fond love of tobacco If your answer was “a,” you might be smoking more than tobacco. If your
So, after harassing her husband to build her some beds for her garden and mapping out what she wanted to plant, how many plants she wanted to plant, where she wanted to plant, setting up the water system, and fertilizing,
Ahoy Matey! Silver, yes. Fish, no. This isn’t a bug blog about some slimy variety of fish, it is a bug blog about those funky looking silver bugs that sometimes make their way into your house. And when I say
If there was an Ironman for the beetle species, this would be it. As its name suggests, the Ironclad Beetle is one of the toughest insects around and trying to kill them is no easy task. In fact, since they
I am totally dating myself but, if there was a Jessica Rabbit of the wasp species, it would be the mud dauber. Curvy little suckers, the mud dauber is a thread-waisted wasp, which means that it has a waist that
This might not be what you want to read, but mites are pretty much everywhere and pretty much everyone has them, especially since there are even mite species that can only survive on human skin. Try not to think about
Origami? While their name might make you think of small strategically folded pieces of paper, paper wasps are actually a real thing, and they are definitely not made of paper. They were given this name because they build their nests
What the heck are Moles anyway… Moles are small, burrowing mammals that also happen to be world-class diggers. In fact, if there was a digging event in the Olympics, I wouldn’t bet against them. Unfortunately, it is their gold-medal digging