Earwig Control: What You Need to Know!

Earwigs (aka pincer/pincher bugs) are a common pest that can be found in many homes. Fun Fact: Earwigs got their name because of the “old wives tale” that they would crawl in your ears and lay their eggs on your brain! Obviously, we now know this to not be in the least bit true! 🤣 […]
Say Goodbye to Common Spring Pests!

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal, but it can also be a time of pest invasions. From small insects to larger wildlife, pests can quickly turn a pleasant spring day into a nightmare. If you want to keep your home and garden safe and pest-free, it’s important to properly identify and control the […]
I Like Big Butts…Earwigs

I like big butts and I cannot lie… That’s what the song says anyway, but I am pretty darn certain that this is one big butt you would not like. At all. Not even a little bit. Earwig Identification: This butt belongs to the pincher bug, aka the earwig. Kind of like the platypus that […]
Earwigs…Pincher Bugs? Which is it already?

Let’s see, they are strange-looking, they stink, and they crawl into your ears and eat your brains. But don’t worry, they won’t eat your brains until after they burrow in and lay their eggs in there. At least that is what some people think. Talk about a bad rap. While they are pretty funky looking, […]