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Product questions and answers

    Is this product used for roaches?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Is this product used for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 25, 2024 7:11 AM

    Yes, Demon WP can be used to get rid of cockroaches. 

  2. Can it be used on mice snd scorpions
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can it be used on mice snd scorpions answer now
    Asked on November 13, 2024 5:29 PM

    Demon WP is labeled to kill scorpions, but it is not labeled for mice. 

  4. Does Demon kill bed bugs
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does Demon kill bed bugs answer now
    Asked on October 16, 2024 12:13 PM

    No, Demon WP is not labeled for bed bugs.  We would recommend Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate for treatment of bed bugs. 

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Demon WP Insecticide

(3 customer reviews)

Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974



Fast Free Shipping!

Demon WP Insecticide is extremely popular in the pest control industry due to its strength, speed and staying power! Demon WP (wettable powder) provides a quick knockdown to several pests including cockroaches, spiders, scorpions and many others!  Its easy-to-use formula dissolves quickly, creating an ideal suspension that won’t clog your sprayer equipment.

Product Features:

  • Low use rates provide pest knockdown in less than an hour
  • Can be used on porous and non-porous surfaces, and can be used indoors for crack-and-crevice applications
  • Provides high insecticidal activity, long-lasting residual control and low volatility


This Item Is Not For Sale To: CT, NY, VT

Product questions and answers

    Is this product used for roaches?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Is this product used for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 25, 2024 7:11 AM

    Yes, Demon WP can be used to get rid of cockroaches. 

  2. Can it be used on mice snd scorpions
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can it be used on mice snd scorpions answer now
    Asked on November 13, 2024 5:29 PM

    Demon WP is labeled to kill scorpions, but it is not labeled for mice. 

  4. Does Demon kill bed bugs
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does Demon kill bed bugs answer now
    Asked on October 16, 2024 12:13 PM

    No, Demon WP is not labeled for bed bugs.  We would recommend Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate for treatment of bed bugs. 

Send me a notification for each new answer.

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Product Alternatives: Advion WDG
EPA Registration No.: 100-1000
Active Ingredient: Cypermethrin – 40%
Demon WP General Information:

For use as a general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact pest control in, on, and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings and on modes of transport. Permitted areas of use in nonfood/nonfeed areas include, but are not limited to, aircraft (cargo and non-cabin areas only), apartment buildings, boiler rooms, buses, closets, correctional facilities, decks, entries, factories, fencing, floor drains (that lead to sewers), food granaries, food grain mills, food manufacturing, processing and serving establishments; furniture, garages, garbage rooms, greenhouses (non-commercial), hospitals (non-patient areas), hotels and motels, houses, industrial buildings, laboratories, landscape vegetation, locker rooms, machine rooms, mausoleums, mobile homes, mop closets, mulch, nursing homes, offices, patios, pet kennels, porches, railcars, restaurants, storage rooms, schools, sewers (dry), stores, trailers, trees, trucks, utility passages, vessels, vestibules, warehouses, wineries and yards.

Food-Handling Establishments (For Use in Non-Food Areas Only):

Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets may be used as a general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment in the non-food areas of food handling establishments. Examples of non-food areas include garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewers), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, garages, mop closets, and storage (after canning
or bottling).

Residential Food Areas:

In the home, all food-processing surfaces and utensils should be covered during treatment or thoroughly washed before use. Exposed food should be covered or removed.

Application Equipment Preparation

For best results, thoroughly wash out sprayer and screens with water and detergent before using Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets. To avoid sprayer clogging, do not use strainers or screens finer than 50 mesh size.

Demon WP Mixing Instructions:

Each foil envelope of Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets contains water-soluble packets of Demon wettable powder. The foil envelope must be opened for use. Because water-soluble packets readily dissolve in the presence of moisture, do not allow them to get wet before adding to the applicator tank. Wear dry gloves when handling the water-soluble packets. Handle with care because excessive handling may cause rupture of the water-soluble packet. Unused water-soluble packets should be stored in the original foil envelope, folded over to minimize exposure to moisture.
Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets must be diluted with water for applications using hand-held or power-operated application equipment.
For best results, dilution should be achieved using the following steps:

1. Fill applicator tank 1/2 with water.
2. Add desired Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packet(s).
3. Allow 1-2 minutes for dissolution of water-soluble packet(s).
4. Close application equipment and agitate, stir or shake applicator tank.
5. Finish filling applicator tank and agitate again before use to ensure satisfactory suspension.

• Shake or re-agitate application equipment before use if application
is interrupted.
• Mix only amount of application volume required for each use.
• Do not store dilution in application equipment overnight.

Tank Mixing:

Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets may be tank mixed with other currently registered pesticides unless expressly prohibited by the product label. A small volume-mixing test with the other products is recommended to ensure compatibility.
Observe all restrictions and precautions on the label of these products.

1 Envelope of Demon WP Contains 4 Water-Soluble Packets and Makes 1-5 Gallons of Finished Solution.
Recommended Application Rates for Structural Pests (Hand Application Equipment):
Pests Concentration of Active Ingredient Dilution Rate
Ants, Aphids, Assassin Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, California Oakworm, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cockroaches (Maintenance), Crickets, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetle, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Millipedes, Mites, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Termites 0.1% 1 packet/

1 gal water

Ants, Bees, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Cockroaches (Clean-out), Fire Ants (Mounds), Scorpions, Sod Webworms, Spiders, Ticks, Wasps 0.2% 2 packets/

1 gal water


Application Rate: Number of Demon WP Water-Soluble Packetsa Gallons of Waterb Area of Coverage (sq ft)
1 packet (0.33 oz) 1–5 gal 800–1,600 sq ft
2 packets (0.66 oz) 1–5 gal 800–1,600 sq ft

Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets may be used as a crack-and crevice and/or spot treatment for indoor surfaces use.

Cockroaches, Spiders, Crickets, Scorpions, Silverfish, Ticks, and Firebrats

Apply as a coarse, low-pressure treatment to areas where these pests hide, such as baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, cabinets, furniture, sinks, furnaces, stoves, behind and under refrigerators, the underside of shelves, drawers, and similar areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Also see Outdoor Surfaces Use.


Apply to any trails, around doors and windows, and similar areas where ants (including carpenter ants) may be found. Where ants are trailing inside, apply as a residual surface treatment to active areas such as baseboards, corners, around pipes, in and behind cabinets, behind and under refrigerators, sinks, furnaces and stoves, cracks and crevices. When combining baits and residual surface insecticides, apply surface insecticides in cracks and crevices, along baseboards, and infested surfaces and outside barrier treatments. Apply perimeter barrier treatments and
treat nest to prevent infestation as described in Outdoor Surfaces Use.

Assassin Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, Sowbugs, Pillbugs, Millipedes, Elm Leaf Beetle, and Centipedes

Apply around doors and windows and similar areas where these, or similar perimeter pests, may be found or where they may enter premises. Apply to baseboards, storage areas, and other locations. Apply perimeter barrier treatments to prevent infestation as described in Outdoor Surfaces Use.


Apply with either hand-held or power application equipment as a residual spray to surfaces of buildings, porches, screens, window frames, eaves, patios, lawns, refuse dumps, garages and other similar areas where these pests are found. Also, may be used as a spot treatment in applications to lawns in landscaped areas in and around residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings, and similar areas where these insect pests are active. The maximum application rate on lawns and other turfgrass is 0.44 lb ai/A (0.0101 lb ai/1,000 sq ft).

Carpenter Ants

Apply as a coarse wet spray treatment, but avoid runoff around doors, door frames, windows and similar areas where these ants enter premises or hide.

Fire Ants (Mounds)

For individual fire ant mounds, apply Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets as a drench. Gently sprinkle a total of one gallon over the surface of mounds up to 12 inches in diameter. Use 2 gallons for larger mounds. Thoroughly wet mound and surrounding area. Treat new mounds as they appear. Pressurized sprays may disturb the ants and cause migration. If possible, applications should be made on warm days after recent rainfall. All colonies in the vicinity should be treated, including those that have not yet constructed a mound.

Bees, Flies, Mosquitoes, and Wasps

Apply directly to walls, window screens, and other exterior resting areas as a residual surface treatment. Use caution when treating nests of stinging insects as Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets does not provide instant knockdown. Protective equipment for the applicator may be required. For best results, treat bee, wasp and hornet nests late in the day when most insects will be present. Allow 2-3 days for colony to die.

For mosquito control:

Apply as a general structural perimeter spray to landscape plantings, turf, and building foundations to control mosquitoes. Yards or other frequented areas enclosed by landscaping can benefit from the creation of a mosquito barrier to reduce invading mosquitoes by the treatment of perimeter vegetation. For best results, apply Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets at recommended rates in 2–5 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft. Higher volumes applied result in better coverage and, as a rule, will improve control. Application to vegetation away from structures may require additional applicator certification, e.g., in turf or ornamental categories. Consult your state regulatory agency for requirements.

Fleas and Ticks

To control nuisance fleas and ticks (e.g., dog ticks), apply to yards, runs, and other outside areas where pets may frequent. To control ticks, apply using a coarse fan spray to vegetation brush, branches, rock walls, and other areas near habitation where ticks may harbor or frequent. Treat entire area rather than making spot treatments, and retreat as necessary to maintain control. Do not apply to pasture or cropland, and do not allow animals and people access to treated areas until the deposit has dried. Applications can begin in the spring and can continue until frost to control both larvae and adult ticks.

Cluster Flies

Make exterior treatments in late summer or early fall before flies are observed alighting on surfaces. Apply thoroughly on siding, under eaves, and around windows and doors, paying particular attention to south-facing surfaces. Apply just enough dilution to adequately cover the area without excessive dripping or runoff. Heavy precipitation prior to frost may require retreatments to maintain protection.

Additional information





Active Ingredient

Cypermethrin – 40%

For Use In

For use as a general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact pest control in, on, and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings and on modes of transport. Permitted areas of use in nonfood/nonfeed areas include, but are not limited to, aircraft (cargo and non-cabin areas only), apartment buildings, boiler rooms, buses, closets, correctional facilities, decks, entries, factories, fencing, floor drains (that lead to sewers), food granaries, food grain mills, food manufacturing, processing and serving establishments; furniture, garages, garbage rooms, greenhouses (non-commercial), hospitals (non-patient areas), hotels and motels, houses, industrial buildings, laboratories, landscape vegetation, locker rooms, machine rooms, mausoleums, mobile homes, mop closets, mulch, nursing homes, offices, patios, pet kennels, porches, railcars, restaurants, storage rooms, schools, sewers (dry), stores, trailers, trees, trucks, utility passages, vessels, vestibules, warehouses, wineries and yards.

Target Pests

  • Ants
  • Aphids
  • Assassin Bugs
  • Bees
  • Boxelder bugs
  • California oakworm
  • Carpenter ants
  • Carpenter bees
  • Centipede
  • Chiggers
  • Chinch bug
  • Cluster flies
  • Cockroaches
  • Cockroaches clean-out
  • Cockroaches maintenance
  • Crickets
  • Earwigs
  • Elm leaf beetles
  • Fire ant (mounds)
  • Fire ants
  • Firebrats
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Millipede
  • Mites
  • Mosquito
  • Pillbug
  • Scorpions
  • Silverfish
  • Sod webworm
  • Sowbugs
  • Spider
  • Termites
  • Tick
  • Wasps

3 reviews for Demon WP Insecticide

Powered byCusRev
Based on 3 reviews
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
  1. Colette HUNT (verified owner)

    usGeorgia, United States

    (0) (0)
  2. MICHAEL BORELLI (verified owner)

    usTexas, United States

    (0) (0)
  3. Charles Stanphill (verified owner)

    usTennessee, United States

    (0) (0)

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Product questions and answers

    Is this product used for roaches?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Is this product used for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 25, 2024 7:11 AM

    Yes, Demon WP can be used to get rid of cockroaches. 

  2. Can it be used on mice snd scorpions
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can it be used on mice snd scorpions answer now
    Asked on November 13, 2024 5:29 PM

    Demon WP is labeled to kill scorpions, but it is not labeled for mice. 

  4. Does Demon kill bed bugs
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does Demon kill bed bugs answer now
    Asked on October 16, 2024 12:13 PM

    No, Demon WP is not labeled for bed bugs.  We would recommend Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate for treatment of bed bugs. 

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Demon WP Insecticide

(3 customer reviews)

Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974

Fast Free Shipping!

Demon WP Insecticide is extremely popular in the pest control industry due to its strength, speed and staying power! Demon WP (wettable powder) provides a quick knockdown to several pests including cockroaches, spiders, scorpions and many others!  Its easy-to-use formula dissolves quickly, creating an ideal suspension that won’t clog your sprayer equipment.

Product Features:

  • Low use rates provide pest knockdown in less than an hour
  • Can be used on porous and non-porous surfaces, and can be used indoors for crack-and-crevice applications
  • Provides high insecticidal activity, long-lasting residual control and low volatility


This Item Is Not For Sale To: CT, NY, VT




Product Alternatives: Advion WDG
EPA Registration No.: 100-1000
Active Ingredient: Cypermethrin – 40%
Demon WP General Information:

For use as a general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact pest control in, on, and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings and on modes of transport. Permitted areas of use in nonfood/nonfeed areas include, but are not limited to, aircraft (cargo and non-cabin areas only), apartment buildings, boiler rooms, buses, closets, correctional facilities, decks, entries, factories, fencing, floor drains (that lead to sewers), food granaries, food grain mills, food manufacturing, processing and serving establishments; furniture, garages, garbage rooms, greenhouses (non-commercial), hospitals (non-patient areas), hotels and motels, houses, industrial buildings, laboratories, landscape vegetation, locker rooms, machine rooms, mausoleums, mobile homes, mop closets, mulch, nursing homes, offices, patios, pet kennels, porches, railcars, restaurants, storage rooms, schools, sewers (dry), stores, trailers, trees, trucks, utility passages, vessels, vestibules, warehouses, wineries and yards.

Food-Handling Establishments (For Use in Non-Food Areas Only):

Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets may be used as a general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment in the non-food areas of food handling establishments. Examples of non-food areas include garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewers), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, garages, mop closets, and storage (after canning
or bottling).

Residential Food Areas:

In the home, all food-processing surfaces and utensils should be covered during treatment or thoroughly washed before use. Exposed food should be covered or removed.

Application Equipment Preparation

For best results, thoroughly wash out sprayer and screens with water and detergent before using Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets. To avoid sprayer clogging, do not use strainers or screens finer than 50 mesh size.

Demon WP Mixing Instructions:

Each foil envelope of Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets contains water-soluble packets of Demon wettable powder. The foil envelope must be opened for use. Because water-soluble packets readily dissolve in the presence of moisture, do not allow them to get wet before adding to the applicator tank. Wear dry gloves when handling the water-soluble packets. Handle with care because excessive handling may cause rupture of the water-soluble packet. Unused water-soluble packets should be stored in the original foil envelope, folded over to minimize exposure to moisture.
Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets must be diluted with water for applications using hand-held or power-operated application equipment.
For best results, dilution should be achieved using the following steps:

1. Fill applicator tank 1/2 with water.
2. Add desired Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packet(s).
3. Allow 1-2 minutes for dissolution of water-soluble packet(s).
4. Close application equipment and agitate, stir or shake applicator tank.
5. Finish filling applicator tank and agitate again before use to ensure satisfactory suspension.

• Shake or re-agitate application equipment before use if application
is interrupted.
• Mix only amount of application volume required for each use.
• Do not store dilution in application equipment overnight.

Tank Mixing:

Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets may be tank mixed with other currently registered pesticides unless expressly prohibited by the product label. A small volume-mixing test with the other products is recommended to ensure compatibility.
Observe all restrictions and precautions on the label of these products.

1 Envelope of Demon WP Contains 4 Water-Soluble Packets and Makes 1-5 Gallons of Finished Solution.
Recommended Application Rates for Structural Pests (Hand Application Equipment):
Pests Concentration of Active Ingredient Dilution Rate
Ants, Aphids, Assassin Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, California Oakworm, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cockroaches (Maintenance), Crickets, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetle, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Millipedes, Mites, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Termites 0.1% 1 packet/

1 gal water

Ants, Bees, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Cockroaches (Clean-out), Fire Ants (Mounds), Scorpions, Sod Webworms, Spiders, Ticks, Wasps 0.2% 2 packets/

1 gal water


Application Rate: Number of Demon WP Water-Soluble Packetsa Gallons of Waterb Area of Coverage (sq ft)
1 packet (0.33 oz) 1–5 gal 800–1,600 sq ft
2 packets (0.66 oz) 1–5 gal 800–1,600 sq ft

Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets may be used as a crack-and crevice and/or spot treatment for indoor surfaces use.

Cockroaches, Spiders, Crickets, Scorpions, Silverfish, Ticks, and Firebrats

Apply as a coarse, low-pressure treatment to areas where these pests hide, such as baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, cabinets, furniture, sinks, furnaces, stoves, behind and under refrigerators, the underside of shelves, drawers, and similar areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Also see Outdoor Surfaces Use.


Apply to any trails, around doors and windows, and similar areas where ants (including carpenter ants) may be found. Where ants are trailing inside, apply as a residual surface treatment to active areas such as baseboards, corners, around pipes, in and behind cabinets, behind and under refrigerators, sinks, furnaces and stoves, cracks and crevices. When combining baits and residual surface insecticides, apply surface insecticides in cracks and crevices, along baseboards, and infested surfaces and outside barrier treatments. Apply perimeter barrier treatments and
treat nest to prevent infestation as described in Outdoor Surfaces Use.

Assassin Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, Sowbugs, Pillbugs, Millipedes, Elm Leaf Beetle, and Centipedes

Apply around doors and windows and similar areas where these, or similar perimeter pests, may be found or where they may enter premises. Apply to baseboards, storage areas, and other locations. Apply perimeter barrier treatments to prevent infestation as described in Outdoor Surfaces Use.


Apply with either hand-held or power application equipment as a residual spray to surfaces of buildings, porches, screens, window frames, eaves, patios, lawns, refuse dumps, garages and other similar areas where these pests are found. Also, may be used as a spot treatment in applications to lawns in landscaped areas in and around residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings, and similar areas where these insect pests are active. The maximum application rate on lawns and other turfgrass is 0.44 lb ai/A (0.0101 lb ai/1,000 sq ft).

Carpenter Ants

Apply as a coarse wet spray treatment, but avoid runoff around doors, door frames, windows and similar areas where these ants enter premises or hide.

Fire Ants (Mounds)

For individual fire ant mounds, apply Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets as a drench. Gently sprinkle a total of one gallon over the surface of mounds up to 12 inches in diameter. Use 2 gallons for larger mounds. Thoroughly wet mound and surrounding area. Treat new mounds as they appear. Pressurized sprays may disturb the ants and cause migration. If possible, applications should be made on warm days after recent rainfall. All colonies in the vicinity should be treated, including those that have not yet constructed a mound.

Bees, Flies, Mosquitoes, and Wasps

Apply directly to walls, window screens, and other exterior resting areas as a residual surface treatment. Use caution when treating nests of stinging insects as Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets does not provide instant knockdown. Protective equipment for the applicator may be required. For best results, treat bee, wasp and hornet nests late in the day when most insects will be present. Allow 2-3 days for colony to die.

For mosquito control:

Apply as a general structural perimeter spray to landscape plantings, turf, and building foundations to control mosquitoes. Yards or other frequented areas enclosed by landscaping can benefit from the creation of a mosquito barrier to reduce invading mosquitoes by the treatment of perimeter vegetation. For best results, apply Demon WP in Water-Soluble Packets at recommended rates in 2–5 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft. Higher volumes applied result in better coverage and, as a rule, will improve control. Application to vegetation away from structures may require additional applicator certification, e.g., in turf or ornamental categories. Consult your state regulatory agency for requirements.

Fleas and Ticks

To control nuisance fleas and ticks (e.g., dog ticks), apply to yards, runs, and other outside areas where pets may frequent. To control ticks, apply using a coarse fan spray to vegetation brush, branches, rock walls, and other areas near habitation where ticks may harbor or frequent. Treat entire area rather than making spot treatments, and retreat as necessary to maintain control. Do not apply to pasture or cropland, and do not allow animals and people access to treated areas until the deposit has dried. Applications can begin in the spring and can continue until frost to control both larvae and adult ticks.

Cluster Flies

Make exterior treatments in late summer or early fall before flies are observed alighting on surfaces. Apply thoroughly on siding, under eaves, and around windows and doors, paying particular attention to south-facing surfaces. Apply just enough dilution to adequately cover the area without excessive dripping or runoff. Heavy precipitation prior to frost may require retreatments to maintain protection.

Additional information





Active Ingredient

Cypermethrin – 40%

For Use In

For use as a general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact pest control in, on, and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings and on modes of transport. Permitted areas of use in nonfood/nonfeed areas include, but are not limited to, aircraft (cargo and non-cabin areas only), apartment buildings, boiler rooms, buses, closets, correctional facilities, decks, entries, factories, fencing, floor drains (that lead to sewers), food granaries, food grain mills, food manufacturing, processing and serving establishments; furniture, garages, garbage rooms, greenhouses (non-commercial), hospitals (non-patient areas), hotels and motels, houses, industrial buildings, laboratories, landscape vegetation, locker rooms, machine rooms, mausoleums, mobile homes, mop closets, mulch, nursing homes, offices, patios, pet kennels, porches, railcars, restaurants, storage rooms, schools, sewers (dry), stores, trailers, trees, trucks, utility passages, vessels, vestibules, warehouses, wineries and yards.

Target Pests

  • Ants
  • Aphids
  • Assassin Bugs
  • Bees
  • Boxelder bugs
  • California oakworm
  • Carpenter ants
  • Carpenter bees
  • Centipede
  • Chiggers
  • Chinch bug
  • Cluster flies
  • Cockroaches
  • Cockroaches clean-out
  • Cockroaches maintenance
  • Crickets
  • Earwigs
  • Elm leaf beetles
  • Fire ant (mounds)
  • Fire ants
  • Firebrats
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • Millipede
  • Mites
  • Mosquito
  • Pillbug
  • Scorpions
  • Silverfish
  • Sod webworm
  • Sowbugs
  • Spider
  • Termites
  • Tick
  • Wasps

3 reviews for Demon WP Insecticide

Powered byCusRev
Based on 3 reviews
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
  1. Colette HUNT (verified owner)

    usGeorgia, United States

    (0) (0)
  2. MICHAEL BORELLI (verified owner)

    usTexas, United States

    (0) (0)
  3. Charles Stanphill (verified owner)

    usTennessee, United States

    (0) (0)

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Product questions and answers

    Is this product used for roaches?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Is this product used for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 25, 2024 7:11 AM

    Yes, Demon WP can be used to get rid of cockroaches. 

  2. Can it be used on mice snd scorpions
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can it be used on mice snd scorpions answer now
    Asked on November 13, 2024 5:29 PM

    Demon WP is labeled to kill scorpions, but it is not labeled for mice. 

  4. Does Demon kill bed bugs
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does Demon kill bed bugs answer now
    Asked on October 16, 2024 12:13 PM

    No, Demon WP is not labeled for bed bugs.  We would recommend Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate for treatment of bed bugs. 

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