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Top 3 Best Defensive Tips to Keeping Your Home Bug Free.

Pest Proofing Your Home - The Best Defense
Pest Proofing Your Home – The Best Defense

If I was a betting person, I feel it would be safe to say that at some point in your life, you have had a pest related concern. Most of us do. So, what can you do to keep your home pest free? Simple, create a great defense!

All pests whether it be insects or rodents, need 3 things to survive: food, water, and shelter. Take these things away and you will significantly reduce your chances having a pest infestation. So, let’s dive into the top 3 best defensive ways to keeping your home pest free!

#1 Shelter – Seal and Repair All Cracks and Crevices

A thorough inspection around your home is the first and most crucial step. Here is what you will want to look for:

How To Pest Proof Your Home - Sealing Holes and Gaps -
How To Pest Proof Your Home – Sealing Holes and Gaps –

#2 Water – Fix Any and All Leaks

Inspect under all sinks, in bathrooms and outside spigots for any possible water leaks. During those hot summer months, pests are more determined than ever to find a good source of water.

Pest Proofing Your Home - Fix All Plumbing Leaks
Pest Proofing Your Home – Fix All Plumbing Leaks

If you have found that you do have a leak you will want to:

#3 Food – Keep Your Indoors and Outdoors Clean

I remember my 5th grade teacher Mr. Linkhart used to say, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”. Ain’t that the truth! But when it comes to pests, they didn’t get the memo. You definitely want to make sure you are not the one providing that “free lunch”!

Ants on a Donut - Pest Proof Your Home
Ants on a Donut – Pest Proof Your Home

Things to look out for and to clean up asap:

Trash and Debris Outdoors - Pest Proof Your Home
Trash and Debris Outdoors – Pest Proof Your Home

So, now that you have completed steps 1-3, you will want to finish strong by applying a pesticide barrier. Using a general pesticide that is labeled for several different insects will give you the peace of mind that you are looking for! Have questions on what pesticide would be best for you? Call us, our technicians would be more than happy to help you through any pest related problem.

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