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Our Pest control blog
Welcome to our Pest Control Blog page! With over 25 years of pest control experience and knowledge, we have given you everything you need to know about getting rid of unwanted pests, whether it be ants, spiders or rodents. We have done our best to write quality DIY pest control articles that will direct you step by step, that even a beginner could do. As we always say here at, knowledge is power and we want to empower you to take control of your home or business all while saving money!
So, let’s set the scene… It’s late afternoon, the sun is moving toward the west, and the temperature is perfect. You head outside with the book you have been dying to read, and you stretch yourself out on the lounge
Bugs got you down when you’re trying to get your summertime grilling on? I don’t know about you, but for me, summertime means firing up that grill and getting busy with some serious bbq action. No matter what is on
Besides humans, a plethora of insects, (yes, this bug blogger used the word plethora!), and a host of other pests, want to know what else is more active in the summer months? Rats. Those nasty, beady-eyed, long-tailed, disease-carrying creatures that
It is no secret that scorpions can be quite terrifying. They appear to be a nightmarish mix of spider and crab, have a stinger that can pack a serious punch, can grow up to 9 inches in length, and are
The summer sunshine doesn’t just bring on the heat, it brings on the fire! Fire ants, that is. And they definitely aren’t the type of heat you want to have around. Red Imported Fire Ant Identification Red imported fire ants,
Got moths? There are a couple types of moths that like to get comfy and cozy inside your home, pantry moths and clothes moths. Both of these moth-er fricking types of moths can be quite destructive in their own way
Just when you thought ants couldn’t be any more of a pain, enter the flying ant. Yes, an ant that has wings and flies. Sounds like fun, right? Not so much. So, how about a little flying ant Q &
Not sure what is causing destruction in your yard? Can’t decide if you’ve got a mole problem, a vole problem, or a good old Caddyshack-like gopher digging holes and tunnels and mounds in your perfectly manicured yards? Well, lucky for
It is tick season, peeps, and you know what that means, don’t ya? It means the ticks are out in full force. Actually, depending on the tick species, there can be tick activity year-round, but like many of their other