Top 10 Cities for Bed Bugs in 2024

Guess who’s back, not taking any breaks? Even though our globetrotting plans were put on pause in 2020 due to the pandemic, and there was a tiny dip in bed bug incidents, these determined little critters kept partying on. Shockingly, they were multiplying faster than a game of Tetris on expert mode, pandemic or not! They were even outpacing Samantha Jones from “Sex and The City” on a Friday night – a fun pop culture nod to highlight just how fast these little pests have been making themselves at home!
As travel has continually ramped up through 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 the infamous “hitchhiker” began to rear its ugly head, and with a shortage of staff in businesses such as hotels it has been difficult to monitor for the signs of bed bugs, thus allowing their numbers to grow exponentially. Just recently, with all the major events in Las Vegas, NV, such as Formula 1 and The Superbowl, several Las Vegas hotels are reporting bed bug sightings and infestations!
Are you planning to travel in 2024?
Here is the list of top 10 cities for bed bugs in 2024!
(courtesy of Orkin Ext.)
- Chicago
- New York
- Philadelphia
- Cleveland-Akron, OH
- Los Angeles
- Detroit
- Washington, D.C.
- Indianapolis
- Charlotte
- Champaign, IL
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Correctly identifying a bed bug can be quite confusing to the average person. They are often mistaken for beetles or other tiny insects. Here are some quick identifiers to help you to better educate yourself on what a bed bug looks like:
- Brown, flat bodies – oval shaped
- If recently fed, bed bugs are plump and reddish – brown in color
- Size of an apple seed (5-7 mm)

Above is a photo of dead bed bugs that were removed from a hotel bed in San Diego, CA.
How to keep bed bugs from hitching a ride with you
If you have been following’s blogs, you will know that we have given you some great insights on how to get rid of bed bugs and how to protect yourself from bed bugs while traveling. If you are new to our site, you can click here: how to get rid of bed bugs or here: how to protect yourself from bed bugs while traveling. Here is an awesome video Craig with did on “How To Protect Yourself from Bed Bugs When Staying in a Hotel or Motel“. Check it out below..
BED BUG PESTICIDES THAT REALLY WORK! has some great bed bug pesticides like Crossfire Bed Bug Aerosol and Bedlam Plus Bed Bug Aerosol that can be applied directly to your luggage prior to any trip to kill any bed bugs that may want to hitch a ride! Be prepared and be in the know! Bed bug education can save you thousands of dollars in the long run!
If you have any other bed bug questions, you can always chat with a bed bug expert, Monday -Saturday 8-5pm PST!