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Product questions and answers

    Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been able to sell flowers because of them.
  1. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been a...... Read more answer now
    Asked on October 7, 2024 7:52 AM

    Yes, InVict Xpress Granular Bait is labeled for earwigs and works very well!

  2. Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:43 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait can be used indoors, Make sure bait is inaccessible to children and pets. Follow the label for specific instructions on how to apply.
  4. Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:37 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait works well controlling crickets and many other insects.
  6. Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:32 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait is a great choice for vegetable gardens due to the fact you keep pesticides off your vegetables.
  8. Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:29 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular is a great choice for control of Firebrats and many other problem insects.
  10. How much bait do you apply?
  11. 0 votes
    Q How much bait do you apply? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:26 PM
    A Apply InVict Xpress granular bait at a rate of 2 to 4 tablespoons per 100 square feet.
  12. Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:24 PM
    A No, Invict Xpress granular will not work against fire ants, a great product for fire ants would be advion fire ant bait.
  14. Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:21 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait kills many types of ants including white footed ants.
  16. how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work?
  17. 0 votes
    Q how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:18 PM
    A InVict Xpress granular bait starts killing within one hour.

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InVict Xpress Granular Bait

Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974




Talk about fast! InVict Xpress granular baits’ proprietary bait matrix starts killing pests within 1 hour! When you need powerful results fast, InVict Xpress granular bait is for you.  InVict Xpress’s highly versatile label allows for use indoors, outdoors and for turf applications.

Product Features:

  • Starts killing in 1 hour
  • Proprietary bait matrix contains multiple food attractants that pests find irresistible
  • Low use rate of only 4-8 oz. per 1000 sq. ft
  • Immediate results for active infestations, killing the entire colony


  • 4 lb. shaker bottle



Product questions and answers

    Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been able to sell flowers because of them.
  1. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been a...... Read more answer now
    Asked on October 7, 2024 7:52 AM

    Yes, InVict Xpress Granular Bait is labeled for earwigs and works very well!

  2. Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:43 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait can be used indoors, Make sure bait is inaccessible to children and pets. Follow the label for specific instructions on how to apply.
  4. Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:37 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait works well controlling crickets and many other insects.
  6. Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:32 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait is a great choice for vegetable gardens due to the fact you keep pesticides off your vegetables.
  8. Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:29 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular is a great choice for control of Firebrats and many other problem insects.
  10. How much bait do you apply?
  11. 0 votes
    Q How much bait do you apply? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:26 PM
    A Apply InVict Xpress granular bait at a rate of 2 to 4 tablespoons per 100 square feet.
  12. Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:24 PM
    A No, Invict Xpress granular will not work against fire ants, a great product for fire ants would be advion fire ant bait.
  14. Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:21 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait kills many types of ants including white footed ants.
  16. how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work?
  17. 0 votes
    Q how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:18 PM
    A InVict Xpress granular bait starts killing within one hour.

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Product Alternatives: Niban Granular Insect BaitSluggo Snail And Slug Killer
EPA Registration No. – 73079-14
Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid – 0.5%
How InVict Xpress Works:

Roaches, crickets, silverfish, firebrats and earwigs eat it and die. Worker ants* cannot eat solid food, so they pick up the bait and take it back to the nest and feed it to the larvae. The larvae digest solid food and excrete liquid food for the rest of the colony.

InVict Xpress Use Instructions:
Outdoor Perimeter Application:

Apply bait at a rate of 1/2 – 1 oz (2 – 4 tablespoons) per 100 square feet. Use a hand shaker, duster or mechanical spreader to apply the bait. Apply in a band from 1 – 3 feet wide around the perimeter of buildings. For example, a 2-foot band around a 200 linear foot building would require 8-16 tablespoons of bait. Also apply around exterior light fixtures and along the edges of sidewalks, patios and driveways and under decks. Pay particular attention to potential insect harborage sites such as mulch beds, flowerbeds, fruit and vegetable gardens, compost heaps, wood piles, trees, stumps and trash areas and apply bait at the more liberal application rate in these areas. In home greenhouses, apply bait on and under benches.  Do not apply bait directly in flats or pots. Pets may be attracted to this product. Do not pile the bait in exposed areas. The bait may also be sprinkled in and around rodent bait stations to control insects that harbor in these stations. When treating for ants*, apply ½ to 1 oz of bait around ant* mounds and sprinkle along foraging trails. For ants*, pay particular attention to harborage areas and apply bait around trees and stumps, in tree cavities, in and around firewood piles, around landscaping stones and in mulch beds.  Ants* can take the bait back to the nest and kill the colony. Bait may also be applied in insect bait stations. Reapply bait after one week if infestation is still present. To prevent large insect populations from developing around structures in warm months, a quarterly application around the perimeter and to harborage areas, as described above, is recommended. This treatment is particularly effective to help prevent the establishment of large colonies of pest ants*. If the perimeter is treated with a repellent insecticide (eg. pyrethroid), the bait may still be used around the perimeter, but it should be applied in a band outside the repellent barrier for best results. As a separate matter from the use of this product, as part of an IPM program, it is recommended that overhanging trees and other vegetation touching the structure be trimmed back, and cracks or gaps around pipes and window and door frames be sealed to minimize potential insect entry into buildings.

Turf Application:

Apply bait evenly over the affected area using a hand shaker or mechanical spreader at a rate of 4 – 8 oz per 1000 square feet / 10 – 20 lbs per acre. The product should not be watered in. For mole cricket treatments, results will be best if the area is irrigated prior to bait treatment. Mole crickets typically come to the surface to feed in the evening.

Sewer Application:

Apply bait at a rate of 1 oz per 100 square feet along ledges inside sewers and around manhole covers.

Indoor Application:

Apply bait only in areas inaccessible to children and pets, or in tamper-resistant bait stations. Use a hand shaker or duster to apply bait. Apply up to 0.5 oz (2 tablespoons) per crack, crevice or void, or at a rate of 0.5 oz (2 tablespoons) per 100 sq ft. Trash closets, utility closets, dropped ceilings, under and behind appliances and vending machines, in wall voids and voids under and behind cabinets, sinks and tubs, in drawer wells, garbage chutes, pipe chases, elevator pits, around drains, around electrical conduits and in cracks and crevices where insects may harbor. Focus application in areas where insects or their signs are seen. Reapply bait after one week if infestation is still present. The bait may be broadcast in unfinished attics, basements and crawlspaces provided children do not have access to these areas.

Application tips for certain sites follow:
  1. In attics, be sure to get bait near the eaves and vent pipes where insects often first enter, as well as around any pipes or potential access points between the attic and the main structure. Attics should have proper ventilation to insure that no food odor from the bait seeps into the living area, particularly in hot weather. If in doubt, apply the product in a manner such that it can be easily removed.
  2.  When treating cabinetry areas, if there is no gap between the lower cabinets and the kickplate, then small holes can be drilled to access the voids. Escutcheon plates around pipes can also be pulled back to allow access to voids.
  3.  The bottom drawers in kitchen and bathroom cabinets can be removed and bait dusted into drawer wells. No bait should be left exposed when drawers are replaced.
  4.  Electrical switch plate covers can be removed to allow access to voids, but bait shouldn’t be applied directly in electrical boxes.
  5.  If there are cracks between baseboards, cabinets, doorframes, hinges, counters or trim, and walls, these cracks can be lightly dusted with bait. If practical, these areas can be sealed once insect problems have been eliminated, to help prevent future problems.
  6.  Insects need moisture, so kitchen and bath areas and areas immediately surrounding them, and any other damp areas should be carefully inspected and treated if necessary. As a separate matter from the use of this product, as part of an IPM program, it is advisable to fix any leaks to minimize structural damage and odors, and to prevent potential chronic insect problems.
Food Processing and Handling Establishments Including Federally-Inspected Food Plants:

In food areas, including serving areas while the establishment is in operation, only apply bait in cracks, crevices, and other inaccessible areas, or in tamper-resistant bait stations. Never apply bait directly to a surface where food is stored, prepared or served. Follow above directions for crack and crevice placement.

Additional information

Weight .65 lbs


Rockwell Labs

Active Ingredient

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid – 0.5%

Target Pests:

  • Cockroaches
  • Ants (acrobat, allegheny, argentine, big-headed, cornfield, crazy, ghost, little black, odorous, pavement, pyramid, rover, thief, white-footed)
  • Crickets
  • Mole Crickets
  • Silverfish
  • Firebrats
  • Earwigs

For Use In:

In and around structures, including homes, apartments, commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, research, recreational, health care, educational, daycare, hospitality and agricultural buildings and other man-made structures, garages, transport vehicles, sewers, animal research facilities, and food service, storage, handling and processing establishments. Turf sites include lawns, landscape beds, ornamental turf, parks, playing fields, right-of-ways, golf course greens and tee boxes, and home greenhouses.


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Product questions and answers

    Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been able to sell flowers because of them.
  1. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been a...... Read more answer now
    Asked on October 7, 2024 7:52 AM

    Yes, InVict Xpress Granular Bait is labeled for earwigs and works very well!

  2. Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:43 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait can be used indoors, Make sure bait is inaccessible to children and pets. Follow the label for specific instructions on how to apply.
  4. Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:37 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait works well controlling crickets and many other insects.
  6. Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:32 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait is a great choice for vegetable gardens due to the fact you keep pesticides off your vegetables.
  8. Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:29 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular is a great choice for control of Firebrats and many other problem insects.
  10. How much bait do you apply?
  11. 0 votes
    Q How much bait do you apply? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:26 PM
    A Apply InVict Xpress granular bait at a rate of 2 to 4 tablespoons per 100 square feet.
  12. Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:24 PM
    A No, Invict Xpress granular will not work against fire ants, a great product for fire ants would be advion fire ant bait.
  14. Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:21 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait kills many types of ants including white footed ants.
  16. how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work?
  17. 0 votes
    Q how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:18 PM
    A InVict Xpress granular bait starts killing within one hour.

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InVict Xpress Granular Bait

Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974


Talk about fast! InVict Xpress granular baits’ proprietary bait matrix starts killing pests within 1 hour! When you need powerful results fast, InVict Xpress granular bait is for you.  InVict Xpress’s highly versatile label allows for use indoors, outdoors and for turf applications.

Product Features:

  • Starts killing in 1 hour
  • Proprietary bait matrix contains multiple food attractants that pests find irresistible
  • Low use rate of only 4-8 oz. per 1000 sq. ft
  • Immediate results for active infestations, killing the entire colony


  • 4 lb. shaker bottle






Product Alternatives: Niban Granular Insect BaitSluggo Snail And Slug Killer
EPA Registration No. – 73079-14
Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid – 0.5%
How InVict Xpress Works:

Roaches, crickets, silverfish, firebrats and earwigs eat it and die. Worker ants* cannot eat solid food, so they pick up the bait and take it back to the nest and feed it to the larvae. The larvae digest solid food and excrete liquid food for the rest of the colony.

InVict Xpress Use Instructions:
Outdoor Perimeter Application:

Apply bait at a rate of 1/2 – 1 oz (2 – 4 tablespoons) per 100 square feet. Use a hand shaker, duster or mechanical spreader to apply the bait. Apply in a band from 1 – 3 feet wide around the perimeter of buildings. For example, a 2-foot band around a 200 linear foot building would require 8-16 tablespoons of bait. Also apply around exterior light fixtures and along the edges of sidewalks, patios and driveways and under decks. Pay particular attention to potential insect harborage sites such as mulch beds, flowerbeds, fruit and vegetable gardens, compost heaps, wood piles, trees, stumps and trash areas and apply bait at the more liberal application rate in these areas. In home greenhouses, apply bait on and under benches.  Do not apply bait directly in flats or pots. Pets may be attracted to this product. Do not pile the bait in exposed areas. The bait may also be sprinkled in and around rodent bait stations to control insects that harbor in these stations. When treating for ants*, apply ½ to 1 oz of bait around ant* mounds and sprinkle along foraging trails. For ants*, pay particular attention to harborage areas and apply bait around trees and stumps, in tree cavities, in and around firewood piles, around landscaping stones and in mulch beds.  Ants* can take the bait back to the nest and kill the colony. Bait may also be applied in insect bait stations. Reapply bait after one week if infestation is still present. To prevent large insect populations from developing around structures in warm months, a quarterly application around the perimeter and to harborage areas, as described above, is recommended. This treatment is particularly effective to help prevent the establishment of large colonies of pest ants*. If the perimeter is treated with a repellent insecticide (eg. pyrethroid), the bait may still be used around the perimeter, but it should be applied in a band outside the repellent barrier for best results. As a separate matter from the use of this product, as part of an IPM program, it is recommended that overhanging trees and other vegetation touching the structure be trimmed back, and cracks or gaps around pipes and window and door frames be sealed to minimize potential insect entry into buildings.

Turf Application:

Apply bait evenly over the affected area using a hand shaker or mechanical spreader at a rate of 4 – 8 oz per 1000 square feet / 10 – 20 lbs per acre. The product should not be watered in. For mole cricket treatments, results will be best if the area is irrigated prior to bait treatment. Mole crickets typically come to the surface to feed in the evening.

Sewer Application:

Apply bait at a rate of 1 oz per 100 square feet along ledges inside sewers and around manhole covers.

Indoor Application:

Apply bait only in areas inaccessible to children and pets, or in tamper-resistant bait stations. Use a hand shaker or duster to apply bait. Apply up to 0.5 oz (2 tablespoons) per crack, crevice or void, or at a rate of 0.5 oz (2 tablespoons) per 100 sq ft. Trash closets, utility closets, dropped ceilings, under and behind appliances and vending machines, in wall voids and voids under and behind cabinets, sinks and tubs, in drawer wells, garbage chutes, pipe chases, elevator pits, around drains, around electrical conduits and in cracks and crevices where insects may harbor. Focus application in areas where insects or their signs are seen. Reapply bait after one week if infestation is still present. The bait may be broadcast in unfinished attics, basements and crawlspaces provided children do not have access to these areas.

Application tips for certain sites follow:
  1. In attics, be sure to get bait near the eaves and vent pipes where insects often first enter, as well as around any pipes or potential access points between the attic and the main structure. Attics should have proper ventilation to insure that no food odor from the bait seeps into the living area, particularly in hot weather. If in doubt, apply the product in a manner such that it can be easily removed.
  2.  When treating cabinetry areas, if there is no gap between the lower cabinets and the kickplate, then small holes can be drilled to access the voids. Escutcheon plates around pipes can also be pulled back to allow access to voids.
  3.  The bottom drawers in kitchen and bathroom cabinets can be removed and bait dusted into drawer wells. No bait should be left exposed when drawers are replaced.
  4.  Electrical switch plate covers can be removed to allow access to voids, but bait shouldn’t be applied directly in electrical boxes.
  5.  If there are cracks between baseboards, cabinets, doorframes, hinges, counters or trim, and walls, these cracks can be lightly dusted with bait. If practical, these areas can be sealed once insect problems have been eliminated, to help prevent future problems.
  6.  Insects need moisture, so kitchen and bath areas and areas immediately surrounding them, and any other damp areas should be carefully inspected and treated if necessary. As a separate matter from the use of this product, as part of an IPM program, it is advisable to fix any leaks to minimize structural damage and odors, and to prevent potential chronic insect problems.
Food Processing and Handling Establishments Including Federally-Inspected Food Plants:

In food areas, including serving areas while the establishment is in operation, only apply bait in cracks, crevices, and other inaccessible areas, or in tamper-resistant bait stations. Never apply bait directly to a surface where food is stored, prepared or served. Follow above directions for crack and crevice placement.

Additional information

Weight .65 lbs


Rockwell Labs

Active Ingredient

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid – 0.5%

Target Pests:

  • Cockroaches
  • Ants (acrobat, allegheny, argentine, big-headed, cornfield, crazy, ghost, little black, odorous, pavement, pyramid, rover, thief, white-footed)
  • Crickets
  • Mole Crickets
  • Silverfish
  • Firebrats
  • Earwigs

For Use In:

In and around structures, including homes, apartments, commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, research, recreational, health care, educational, daycare, hospitality and agricultural buildings and other man-made structures, garages, transport vehicles, sewers, animal research facilities, and food service, storage, handling and processing establishments. Turf sites include lawns, landscape beds, ornamental turf, parks, playing fields, right-of-ways, golf course greens and tee boxes, and home greenhouses.


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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Product questions and answers

    Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been able to sell flowers because of them.
  1. 0 votes
    Q Will this kill earwigs? I have an absolute infestation in my cut flower garden and haven't been a...... Read more answer now
    Asked on October 7, 2024 7:52 AM

    Yes, InVict Xpress Granular Bait is labeled for earwigs and works very well!

  2. Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Can InVict Xpress granular bait be used indoors? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:43 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait can be used indoors, Make sure bait is inaccessible to children and pets. Follow the label for specific instructions on how to apply.
  4. Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets?
  5. 0 votes
    Q Does InVict Xpress granular bait work for crickets? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:37 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait works well controlling crickets and many other insects.
  6. Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Can I put Invict Xpress granular bait in my vegetable garden? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:32 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait is a great choice for vegetable gardens due to the fact you keep pesticides off your vegetables.
  8. Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular work on firebrats? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:29 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular is a great choice for control of Firebrats and many other problem insects.
  10. How much bait do you apply?
  11. 0 votes
    Q How much bait do you apply? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:26 PM
    A Apply InVict Xpress granular bait at a rate of 2 to 4 tablespoons per 100 square feet.
  12. Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will InVict Xpress granular kill fire ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:24 PM
    A No, Invict Xpress granular will not work against fire ants, a great product for fire ants would be advion fire ant bait.
  14. Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Does Invict Xpress granular bait kill white footed ants? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:21 PM
    A Yes, InVict Xpress granular bait kills many types of ants including white footed ants.
  16. how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work?
  17. 0 votes
    Q how fast does it take for InVict Xpress bait to work? answer now
    Asked on August 20, 2024 3:18 PM
    A InVict Xpress granular bait starts killing within one hour.

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