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Product questions and answers

    Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels? answer now
    Asked on March 23, 2023 5:03 PM

    Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for hotels and motels.

  2. Is this safe to use around pets?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is this safe to use around pets? answer now
    Asked on February 21, 2023 8:50 AM

    Do not allow people or pets to be in contact with the treated surface or area until the Fipronil-Plus-C residue is completely dry. 

  4. When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice?
  5. 0 votes
    Q When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C would be a great choice when trying to eliminate a crazy ant infestation indoor or outdoors.
  6. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:59 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for and will kill Pillbugs. That being said there are more cost-effective products if Pillbugs are all you are going after such as Bifen IT.
  8. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:52 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in nursing homes. Always follow the label for your specific problem for mixing rates.
  10. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:46 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in restaurants and will work well against German cockroaches. When using it for roaches it is a good idea to always add an IGR such as Gentrol or Tekko for better control.
  12. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:42 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is not labeled for Black Widow spiders.
  14. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:35 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is a great product for Argentine ants and other ants due to the fact that the active ingredient, Fipronil is undetectable to ants and other insects.
  16. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ?
  17. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:29 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is a non-repellent pesticide with the same active as Termidor SC and Taurus SC, but at a lower rate, allowing for both indoor and outdoor use and still be highly affective.

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Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974


Taurus SC Termiticide Concentrate
Navigator SC Termiticide/Insecticide

Available on backorder

Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide

Fast, Free Shipping!

Fipronil-Plus-C is a new innovative formulation of fipronil in combination with cellulose technology, that allows for the active ingredient (fipronil) to be applied at a lower dose rate but still be highly effective against its labeled pests. Fipronil-Plus-C is a reduced toxicity pesticide and is protected from UV and microbial degradation, offering long-lasting protection from pests.

Product Features:

  • Can be used indoors and outdoors
  • Proprietary Cellulose Entrapment Technology
  • Reduced toxicity
  • Long lasting


  • 16 oz.

Product questions and answers

    Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels? answer now
    Asked on March 23, 2023 5:03 PM

    Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for hotels and motels.

  2. Is this safe to use around pets?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is this safe to use around pets? answer now
    Asked on February 21, 2023 8:50 AM

    Do not allow people or pets to be in contact with the treated surface or area until the Fipronil-Plus-C residue is completely dry. 

  4. When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice?
  5. 0 votes
    Q When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C would be a great choice when trying to eliminate a crazy ant infestation indoor or outdoors.
  6. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:59 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for and will kill Pillbugs. That being said there are more cost-effective products if Pillbugs are all you are going after such as Bifen IT.
  8. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:52 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in nursing homes. Always follow the label for your specific problem for mixing rates.
  10. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:46 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in restaurants and will work well against German cockroaches. When using it for roaches it is a good idea to always add an IGR such as Gentrol or Tekko for better control.
  12. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:42 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is not labeled for Black Widow spiders.
  14. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:35 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is a great product for Argentine ants and other ants due to the fact that the active ingredient, Fipronil is undetectable to ants and other insects.
  16. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ?
  17. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:29 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is a non-repellent pesticide with the same active as Termidor SC and Taurus SC, but at a lower rate, allowing for both indoor and outdoor use and still be highly affective.

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Product Alternatives: Taurus SCNavigator SC
EPA Registration No. – 55431-15
Active Ingredient: Fipronil – 0.65%
Fipronil-Plus-C is a non-repellant pesticide, meaning that it is virtually undetectable to pests.
Mixing Instructions:

This product is intended to be mixed with water and applied with hand pressurized sprayer or backpack. Shake this product well before measuring concentrate for dilution in water. Mix the appropriate amount of this product with water. Thoroughly shake to insure proper suspension. Diluted spray mixture can be stored overnight, but agitate well before using. If spray screens are used, they should be 50 mesh or larger.

Dilution Rate:
  1. When 1.5 fl oz (45.4 ml) is diluted in one gal of water, the active ingredient concentration is equivalent to 0.0076% Fipronil. Use of the 1.5 fl oz (0.0076%) rate is recommended for severe pest infestation.
  2. When 0.75 fl oz (22.7 ml) is diluted in one gal of water, the active ingredient concentration is equivalent to 0.0038% Fipronil. Use of the 0.75 fl oz (0.0038%) rate is recommended for initial service or clean out treatments.
  3. When 0.25 fl oz (7.5 ml) is diluted in one gal of water, the active ingredient concentration is equivalent to 0.0013% Fipronil. Use of the 0.25 fl oz (0.0013%) rate is recommended for maintenance treatments.

Treat voids as a direct spray only. Ants (excluding carpenter and Pharaoh), fire ants, and German cockroaches must be directly sprayed within the void to be killed.

Indoor: Use in areas where insects are known or suspected. Locations for indoor treatment may include areas associated with unexposed wooden elements inside wall voids, in and around bath traps, shower voids, pipe chases, utility penetrations, crawl spaces, attics, unexposed wooden elements inside walls, and other probable sites of insect entry or harborage. Make void applications indoors where pests enter, hide or harbor in voids, entryway thresholds, molding around doorways, windows, voids behind baseboards, under sinks, bath and shower voids, wall voids and other probable entry points. Do not apply as a full surface spray. This application is only intended for localized areas of existing or potential insect activity and must not be applied to indoor surfaces for the purposes of general pest control. This product is to be applied as a direct spray only to kill fire ants, German cockroaches and house flies.

Outdoor: Treat voids from the exterior where these pests enter, hide or harbor. Apply as a void or spot application where listed* pests enter the structure, where they trail or crawl and hide or where their nests are found (i.e. exterior wooden elements associated with bridges, decks, fencing, landscape timbers, wooden retaining walls, tree voids, siding, channels in damaged wood, in spaces between wooden elements of a structure, junctions between wood and foundations and voids associated with buildings. This product can be used to treat
piers of homes, patios, decks, or other structures if they are not directly above water. This product can be used to treat areas associated with bridges not directly
above water, around doors, windows, vents, water meter boxes, sprinkler boxes, pipes, where the siding meets the foundation, or other exterior openings.

This product may be applied to previously treated sites if activity is found 30 days after previous application.

Additional information



Arizona Chemical Group LLC.

Target Pests

Ants and Fire Ants (excluding Carpenter and Pharaoh Ants), Asian Lady Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, German Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, House Flies, Pillbugs, Spiders (excluding Black Widow and Brown Recluse).

For Use In

Indoor and Outdoor use in the following structures: Apartments, Campground Structures, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Cargo Trucks, Trailers, and Trains), Homes, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Hotels, Motels, Office Buildings, Food/Feed Areas of Restaurants, Other Food Handling Establishments, and Food Manufacturing Facilities, Military/Government Buildings, Schools, Warehouses and other Commercial and Industrial Buildings

Use Restrictions

• Do not allow people or pets to contact treated surface until residue is dry.
• Do not apply this product to air conditioning units or air intake vents.
• Do not apply this product to classrooms while occupied
• Do not apply this product in hospitals and/or nursing home rooms while occupied.
• Do not apply this product to aircraft cabins.
• Do not apply this product as a space spray.
• Do not apply this product in conduits in houses, junction boxes, switch boxes, or other electrical equipment because of possible shock hazard.
• Do not apply this product in transportation equipment while occupied.
• Do not apply this product in or on boats.
• Do not apply to areas of piers, bridges, or any other structures that may contact surface water bodies.
• Do not treat within 1 foot of edible plants.
• Not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes.
• Outdoor treatments to nests, trails, and points of entry on or near structures must be spot or void treatments only.
• Do not apply this product in any area-wide manner for outdoor general insect control away from structures
• Do not apply to areas where food/feed, food utensils or food processing surfaces may become contaminated.
• DO NOT apply to voids in any equipment or machinery used in the storage, processing, or preparation of food.


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Product questions and answers

    Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels? answer now
    Asked on March 23, 2023 5:03 PM

    Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for hotels and motels.

  2. Is this safe to use around pets?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is this safe to use around pets? answer now
    Asked on February 21, 2023 8:50 AM

    Do not allow people or pets to be in contact with the treated surface or area until the Fipronil-Plus-C residue is completely dry. 

  4. When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice?
  5. 0 votes
    Q When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C would be a great choice when trying to eliminate a crazy ant infestation indoor or outdoors.
  6. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:59 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for and will kill Pillbugs. That being said there are more cost-effective products if Pillbugs are all you are going after such as Bifen IT.
  8. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:52 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in nursing homes. Always follow the label for your specific problem for mixing rates.
  10. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:46 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in restaurants and will work well against German cockroaches. When using it for roaches it is a good idea to always add an IGR such as Gentrol or Tekko for better control.
  12. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:42 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is not labeled for Black Widow spiders.
  14. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:35 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is a great product for Argentine ants and other ants due to the fact that the active ingredient, Fipronil is undetectable to ants and other insects.
  16. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ?
  17. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:29 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is a non-repellent pesticide with the same active as Termidor SC and Taurus SC, but at a lower rate, allowing for both indoor and outdoor use and still be highly affective.

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Order Before 2:00pm PST For Same Day Shipping!
Most Items are received within 2-4 days of ordering!
FOR LARGE ORDERS, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 877-708-1974

Fast, Free Shipping!

Fipronil-Plus-C is a new innovative formulation of fipronil in combination with cellulose technology, that allows for the active ingredient (fipronil) to be applied at a lower dose rate but still be highly effective against its labeled pests. Fipronil-Plus-C is a reduced toxicity pesticide and is protected from UV and microbial degradation, offering long-lasting protection from pests.

Product Features:

  • Can be used indoors and outdoors
  • Proprietary Cellulose Entrapment Technology
  • Reduced toxicity
  • Long lasting


  • 16 oz.


Taurus SC Termiticide Concentrate
Navigator SC Termiticide/Insecticide

Available on backorder

Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide


Product Alternatives: Taurus SCNavigator SC
EPA Registration No. – 55431-15
Active Ingredient: Fipronil – 0.65%
Fipronil-Plus-C is a non-repellant pesticide, meaning that it is virtually undetectable to pests.
Mixing Instructions:

This product is intended to be mixed with water and applied with hand pressurized sprayer or backpack. Shake this product well before measuring concentrate for dilution in water. Mix the appropriate amount of this product with water. Thoroughly shake to insure proper suspension. Diluted spray mixture can be stored overnight, but agitate well before using. If spray screens are used, they should be 50 mesh or larger.

Dilution Rate:
  1. When 1.5 fl oz (45.4 ml) is diluted in one gal of water, the active ingredient concentration is equivalent to 0.0076% Fipronil. Use of the 1.5 fl oz (0.0076%) rate is recommended for severe pest infestation.
  2. When 0.75 fl oz (22.7 ml) is diluted in one gal of water, the active ingredient concentration is equivalent to 0.0038% Fipronil. Use of the 0.75 fl oz (0.0038%) rate is recommended for initial service or clean out treatments.
  3. When 0.25 fl oz (7.5 ml) is diluted in one gal of water, the active ingredient concentration is equivalent to 0.0013% Fipronil. Use of the 0.25 fl oz (0.0013%) rate is recommended for maintenance treatments.

Treat voids as a direct spray only. Ants (excluding carpenter and Pharaoh), fire ants, and German cockroaches must be directly sprayed within the void to be killed.

Indoor: Use in areas where insects are known or suspected. Locations for indoor treatment may include areas associated with unexposed wooden elements inside wall voids, in and around bath traps, shower voids, pipe chases, utility penetrations, crawl spaces, attics, unexposed wooden elements inside walls, and other probable sites of insect entry or harborage. Make void applications indoors where pests enter, hide or harbor in voids, entryway thresholds, molding around doorways, windows, voids behind baseboards, under sinks, bath and shower voids, wall voids and other probable entry points. Do not apply as a full surface spray. This application is only intended for localized areas of existing or potential insect activity and must not be applied to indoor surfaces for the purposes of general pest control. This product is to be applied as a direct spray only to kill fire ants, German cockroaches and house flies.

Outdoor: Treat voids from the exterior where these pests enter, hide or harbor. Apply as a void or spot application where listed* pests enter the structure, where they trail or crawl and hide or where their nests are found (i.e. exterior wooden elements associated with bridges, decks, fencing, landscape timbers, wooden retaining walls, tree voids, siding, channels in damaged wood, in spaces between wooden elements of a structure, junctions between wood and foundations and voids associated with buildings. This product can be used to treat
piers of homes, patios, decks, or other structures if they are not directly above water. This product can be used to treat areas associated with bridges not directly
above water, around doors, windows, vents, water meter boxes, sprinkler boxes, pipes, where the siding meets the foundation, or other exterior openings.

This product may be applied to previously treated sites if activity is found 30 days after previous application.

Additional information



Arizona Chemical Group LLC.

Target Pests

Ants and Fire Ants (excluding Carpenter and Pharaoh Ants), Asian Lady Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, German Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, House Flies, Pillbugs, Spiders (excluding Black Widow and Brown Recluse).

For Use In

Indoor and Outdoor use in the following structures: Apartments, Campground Structures, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Cargo Trucks, Trailers, and Trains), Homes, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Hotels, Motels, Office Buildings, Food/Feed Areas of Restaurants, Other Food Handling Establishments, and Food Manufacturing Facilities, Military/Government Buildings, Schools, Warehouses and other Commercial and Industrial Buildings

Use Restrictions

• Do not allow people or pets to contact treated surface until residue is dry.
• Do not apply this product to air conditioning units or air intake vents.
• Do not apply this product to classrooms while occupied
• Do not apply this product in hospitals and/or nursing home rooms while occupied.
• Do not apply this product to aircraft cabins.
• Do not apply this product as a space spray.
• Do not apply this product in conduits in houses, junction boxes, switch boxes, or other electrical equipment because of possible shock hazard.
• Do not apply this product in transportation equipment while occupied.
• Do not apply this product in or on boats.
• Do not apply to areas of piers, bridges, or any other structures that may contact surface water bodies.
• Do not treat within 1 foot of edible plants.
• Not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes.
• Outdoor treatments to nests, trails, and points of entry on or near structures must be spot or void treatments only.
• Do not apply this product in any area-wide manner for outdoor general insect control away from structures
• Do not apply to areas where food/feed, food utensils or food processing surfaces may become contaminated.
• DO NOT apply to voids in any equipment or machinery used in the storage, processing, or preparation of food.


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Product questions and answers

    Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels?
  1. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C safe for use in hotels and motels? answer now
    Asked on March 23, 2023 5:03 PM

    Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for hotels and motels.

  2. Is this safe to use around pets?
  3. 0 votes
    Q Is this safe to use around pets? answer now
    Asked on February 21, 2023 8:50 AM

    Do not allow people or pets to be in contact with the treated surface or area until the Fipronil-Plus-C residue is completely dry. 

  4. When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice?
  5. 0 votes
    Q When dealing with crazy ants, is Fipronil-Plus-C a good choice? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 5:06 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C would be a great choice when trying to eliminate a crazy ant infestation indoor or outdoors.
  6. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs?
  7. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill pillbugs? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:59 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is labeled for and will kill Pillbugs. That being said there are more cost-effective products if Pillbugs are all you are going after such as Bifen IT.
  8. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes?
  9. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in nursing homes? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:52 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in nursing homes. Always follow the label for your specific problem for mixing rates.
  10. Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches?
  11. 0 votes
    Q Can Fipronil-Plus-C be used in restaurants for roaches? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:46 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C can be used in restaurants and will work well against German cockroaches. When using it for roaches it is a good idea to always add an IGR such as Gentrol or Tekko for better control.
  12. Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ?
  13. 0 votes
    Q Will Fipronil-Plus-C kill black widow spiders ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:42 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is not labeled for Black Widow spiders.
  14. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants?
  15. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a good product for Argentine ants? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:35 PM
    A Yes, Fipronil-Plus-C is a great product for Argentine ants and other ants due to the fact that the active ingredient, Fipronil is undetectable to ants and other insects.
  16. Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ?
  17. 0 votes
    Q Is Fipronil-Plus-C a non-repellant ? answer now
    Asked on November 12, 2022 4:29 PM
    A Fipronil-Plus-C is a non-repellent pesticide with the same active as Termidor SC and Taurus SC, but at a lower rate, allowing for both indoor and outdoor use and still be highly affective.

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