As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, we at HowToPest.com in good conscience have to give a shout out to those bugs that we love and are thankful for. Unconventional? Maybe, but you gotta give props where props are due.
Obviously, I think by now most of us know the huge benefits that honeybees add to mankind. Honeybees are the true essential workers. Here are just a few benefits of honeybees:

- Pollination of fruit, veggies, flowers, nuts, seeds, beans, etc. (Basically everything we need to survive).
- Reproduction of plants.
- Honey. Not only does honey taste amazing but the list health benefits are off the charts.
- Beeswax. Beeswax has been used to make everything from beauty products to preserving food.
We will probably never know all the benefits that these sweet little honeybees provide, but we at HowToPest.com salute you!
Praying Mantises
I just gotta tell you, the praying mantis is my all-time favorite insect. I mean really, look at that face! Here in Southern California, we see these lil guys quite often. Other than being completely adorable, here is the benefit of having a praying mantis in your garden.

- Huge appetite for nuisance insects. Praying mantises love to eat mosquitoes, caterpillars, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers! Basically, all the insects that will destroy your garden.
So next time you are inclined to swat away a praying mantis, think back to this HTP blog and remember, the praying mantis is God’s first pest controller! Again, we at HowToPest.com salute you!
Who doesn’t love a ladybug? I think at one time every single one of us has let a cute little ladybug land on us. I know I personally have been a ladybug for Halloween! What are the benefits of ladybugs you ask? Well let me tell you:

- Pest control. Ladybugs are a huge benefit to farmers and gardeners providing an eco-friendly way to rid their crops of destructive pests.
- Pollinator. Like the honeybee, ladybugs are amazing little pollinators when they move from plant to plant.
This concludes our list of praiseworthy bugs! Honeybees, Praying mantises and Ladybugs, we are thankful for you!